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CIL Benchrest

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:44 pm
by Suncoast440
I have a 1969 CIL bench-rest with Anshultz target sights. I never shot it much but it is very very accurate. Had it since new. I’ve had a few friends ask to buy it $1500+. I don’t want to rip someone off. Does anyone have an idea as to value? I though I may buy another PCP if I sell it. So Im Motivated.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:09 am
by jckstrthmghty
Welcome to the forum.

Do you have a model number? $1500 for a 1969 CIL seems overly high. At that price point or less I could get similar vintage Anschutz 54.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:12 am
by leadslinger
I think you would have better results posting this on Canadian Gun Nuts.

Or call up Nordic Marksman Inc in Truro NS, They're a Anschutz dealer, they may be able to give you a value.

Also what model number, but I'm thinking 1500$ is high.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:19 am
by sillymike
Pictures would help assessing the value of the rifle.
- $1500 for a mint CIL-Anschutz is not of line... assuming that's what it is.

Right now, your description is pretty useless


Welcome to the forum

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:29 am
by mangerover
I have two C.I.L annies a 180 and 190 in awesome shape and will fetch maybe $500 :drinkers: :drinkers:

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:49 am
by sillymike
Funny how a different stock will make all the difference in the world.
- Had accumulated a few 190's over the years... They sold rather quickly between $400-$800 depending on condition and the accessories they came with (sights/hand-stop)
- Sold a 180, could barely give it away...
- A 310, which I thought would have been more desirable went for $350


Couldn't find anything about a 54 action sold under the CIL name?
- I know of Savage-Anschutz 54 "Sporter"



Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:23 pm
by rsterne
I had a CIL Mod. 125 repeater, based on the same action.... It was a fabulous gun that could hit anything I aimed at, if I did my part.... 8)


Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:05 pm
by Daryl
Welcome to the forum, Suncoast440.

Here's my Annie. The CIL stamping on the top of the barrel is hardly visible. I like it that way.
I paid $300.00 for it, but it cost another $120.00 for 2 more mags. lol
My Anschutz is the 3rd one down.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:19 pm
by sillymike
Daryl wrote: I paid $300.00 for it, but it cost another $120.00 for 2 more mags. lol
FYI: If you are looking for less expensive magazines for Anschutz 22lr bolt action rifle.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 3:32 pm
by Daryl
Tks, I bought them from the Anschutz rep in either NEW Brunswick or Nova Scotia.
I have 4 of them, all I need. From Brownells, they would end up being about the same price, landed
here close to the West coast - close, anyway. $25.00US, + exchange + customs + shipping + Prov. taxes.
I think mine were about $118.00 landed here, & now that I think about it, that might have been for 3 of them.
I'm quite sure I only got one with the rifle, not 2 & I do have 4 now.
Good shooting rifle, that one & it does like Browning 40gr. HP's at 1,445fps as well as 36gr. Winchester Power Points.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:14 pm
by Penage Guy
Suncoast440 wrote:I have a 1969 CIL bench-rest with Anshultz target sights. I never shot it much but it is very very accurate. Had it since new. I’ve had a few friends ask to buy it $1500+. I don’t want to rip someone off. Does anyone have an idea as to value? I though I may buy another PCP if I sell it. So Im Motivated.
A little more information is needed.

Presumably it's a .22LR. The Anschutz target sights suggests a single shot Anschutz made rifle. CIL imported a number of different Anschutz models in the 1960's and 1970's. Several of them are shown above by sillymike. These rifles use the 64 action, which was not Anschutz's top-of-the-line action. The best at that time was the 54 match action. Some of the 54 models are indeed worth well over a $1000 in today's market.

Neither of the single shot "target" rifles shown above -- the CIL Anschutz 180 and the CIL Anschutz 190 -- are "benchrest" models and neither are particularly expensive. The 180 typically goes for $500 to $600, while the 190 goes for $100 to $200 more.

Anschutz rifles that had factory benchrest stocks, with flat nearly three-iinch-wide forearms, were not available until the 1990's, and these were based on the 2013 action, itself a variation of the venerable 54 match action. These rifles easily sell for $1500 and more.

If you have a 1960's single shot CIL-marked Anschutz, it will say Anschutz on the left side of the receiver and it will say it's made in Germany. It will be a 64 action, unless it's a less desirable Flobert action CIL imported Anschutz . If it's a CIL-branded Anschutz, there will almost certainly be a model number on the top of the receiver in front of the loading port. Unlike Savage in the U.S., which also imported Anschutts rifles in the 1960's and 1970's (perhaps even in the early 1980's), CIL didn't import any Match 54 action single shot Anschutz rifles.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:08 pm
by Daryl
That history is good to know, Penage Guy.
I guess mine is a "cheap" model 64 - but a nice rifle for $300.00 it is.
I really like the longish bl.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:28 pm
by Daryl
Many of the CIL Anschutz rifles I have seen, have deep, quite garish stamping of the CIL name on them.
Too, they have also had plain beech wood stocks.
As you can see in the picture, mine is walnut, as is the BRNO(1962) semi-auto above and Model 60 Cooey beneath.
The Cooey comes from War-time Regina.(WW11) I could not find a date on the Anschutz.

Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 5:50 pm
by Penage Guy
Among the 64 action CIL-imported Anschutz rifles, the CIL Anschutz 310, which is the same as the Anschutz Model 1416, is the only one with a walnut stock. The others have beech stocks. I've had a few 310's and they are a very nice rifles. Yours for $300 was a very good deal.

Below is a CIL Anschutz 310 I had. It's followed by a CIL Anschutz 125, the first Anschutz I had, It's a Flobert action Anschutz often seen in Canada. At the bottom is a CIL Anschutz 180.


Re: CIL Benchrest

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:41 pm
by rob g
Anschutz ... y.php?f=16

Rimfirecentral has an Anschutz section and a lot of knowledgeable people. They can likely give you an idea of value. Pics will be necessary