Canadian Airgun Forum

Took a few days, but I finally got it right.
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Author:  Twiggy [ Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

I was originally wanting to build a small private outdoor range on the back of my family's property because it is legal to discharge firearms in my specific area (air guns are included in the definition) and there is a piece of the property back there that is far enough from any house to do so. However my father told me it's hard to build a permanent structure in the winter due to the temperature and frost in the ground pushing everything up, and that I'd be better off waiting until spring for that.

So I decided "I'll have to shoot inside for now, I guess". I looked at pellet traps to buy, and they were all very small and I'd need to buy like 3 of them remove the right side from one, both sides from one, and then the left side from the other to get something like I would want. So I decided I'll just make my own.

This is my first incarnation, the material at the back is the old floor material from my father's van before he got upgrades done (2 layers of it).

However when I took a few shots, both pellets and bb's all bounced back.


I knew I had to try something else, so I angled the material downward at close to 45 degrees but it still bounced back toward me.

I then tried removing the hard rubber backing from the van floor material as I thought the hard rubber might be causing the bounce back, but no even just the "carpet" part of it is too hard for absorption and causes bounce back on it's own.

I remembered we had some old insulation stocked away in the attic from a recent renovation we did, and I tried that, simply folded it in half to create two layers of it, took a few shots at it with pellets and I didn't hear anything at all, so I went to check and I saw that a pellet got stuck half way into the first layer, so it looked like a good sign.

So I filled the entire back piece of it with insulation, which amounted to 4 layers of insulation. I also made a handle for the top to make carrying it much easier, like a large piece of luggage, because before it was very awkward to carry because of the size.

I also put three screws in to the top wood bar, so that I can hang things off there, and I think I could still fit a clip on for a paper target.

I also made a removable shelf to put cans on, which has 4 screws hot glued to it, for the cans to go on so they stay up after impact.



I took lots of shots at it for confirmation using both pellets and bb's and still no bounce back, and no noise. So it does the trick and allows me to shoot at pretty much anything I can think of from cans, to paper targets, to soup can lids, etc. Could probably buy some silhouette targets too and use those as well.

I am quite happy with my work.

I am not sure how often I will need to replace the insulation, but it seems it shouldn't be too expensive, as I am able to find $30 packs of insulation, and one pack will be good for 3-4 (if not more) uses, making it like $10 per replacement.

I am not sure what velocity's this could handle, but it seems it handles sub 500fps guns like nothing, and that's all I have/am interested in, so that's all that matters.

Best thing is, this was all made from scrap material we already hand laying around in the garage and the attic, it literally cost me $0.00 to make.

The first incarnation was made on the 22nd, I just finished the final version an hour ago. So it took 6 days.

Author:  twister [ Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

Nice work.
If you have any old foam can coolies you can cut it into 3 pieces and glue them to the wood. Then all you have to do is swap the used cans out.
I use an old pair of jeans in the backs of my traps. 6 layers of denim. Works like a charm and lasts for years.

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Author:  Twiggy [ Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

I like your can coolie idea.

I thought that the nails would be enough to pierce the bottom of the cans, but the bottom part is made of harder metal (or just much more of it than the body or even the top) and I had to drill holes into the bottom of the can in the picture.

I'll look for a coolie, find one cheap, then cut it up and use your idea, it'll be a lot more practical and convenient.

Author:  leadslinger [ Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

I would make sure the back end is beef up. A layer of 2x4's, maybe a thick HD plastic cutting board. I would leave a gap before the mats. That way the pellets or BB's pass, but they won't return. If there is some noise oh well.

Outside is a bunker my spinners are in. Is 2x4s on a slant with a HD cutting board that deflects to the ground. Ive yet to put anything thru it.

Because I had some BB guns make short work of layers of rubberized carpet mats, and thin cutting boards.

Also I would ditch the insulation. That stuff is poison. Your shooting it, causing it to break up, go in the air. And you're breathing it in. Plus it's doing nothing for your health and stopping the BB's. Reason why you wear a mask when handling it.

Use those rubberized foam yoga mats or something you can find at the dollar store. They're cheap and self sealing to a degree.

If I was shooting airguns inside. I'd want to insure that I won't put a hole in the wall. Because that be the last time you be doing that. If your father finds out.

Author:  Twiggy [ Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

I'll take it outside for some further testing, shoot at it a lot, and see if anything comes out the back.

I doubt it though, as I said, before everything was bouncing back at me, so it couldn't have penetrated the back at all, I think. I'm skeptical that a sub 500fps air gun could produce the power needed to penetrate the thick particle board at the back, especially when already slowed down by insulation. I'll be sticking with sub 500fps, not because I am too young for a PAL, I'm 23, had an RPAL for a few years already, have multiple "real" guns, but I just like sub 500fps air guns because I can shoot them at home and they arent controlled unlike non-restricted, and restricted firearms. I am way too young to have a prohib license unfortunately.

All signs do point to the insulation absorbing things, because I don't hear the noise of anything hard being hit, so that eliminates the back of the trap, the wall around it, the floor, et,c plus I've already found pellets and bbs inside the insulation, in the first layer of it, so it seems to actually be doing a great job and the 3 layers behind it are just for redundancy or for if I get a .22 calibre one day.

As for health, I work at a recycling plant, I breathe in stuff I shouldn't all the time. I even still use led solder when soldering things.


I did a small experiment. I took the trap off the table, flipped it around so that the back was facing me, and I shot a few pellets at the back.

My hypothesis was that they would bounce off it because of how hard the plywood is.

it appears my hypothesis is correct, as they all bounced off it, and only left the tiniest of chips on it.

So I think I can be certain that the back will never be penetrated and there will never be a hole in the wall.

I don't see where most of the pellets (shot with the trap the proper way around with the insulation at the front) went, but I am able to see a few at caught at the very front.

I'll do another experiment tomorrow outside with a couple layers of insulation and some plywood behind it, then rip apart the insulation after and see where the pellets ended up.

Author:  wheeliehd [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

Hitting the same spot all the time will damage the wood and insulation fairly quickly. Metal bins everywhere or ask a heating contractor to save you a furnace door and cut to size and screw it on the back. I even strengthen all my metal pellet traps. But pop cans will take some of the force out of the pellet and redirect the pellet to different spots which at 33 feet you would never miss a shot at a pop can off a rest. For me shooting pop cans would get pretty boring really quickly. Them pop cans with the face on them in the one picture look interesting. You have multiple aim points in the face. I miss a shot by 1/4 inch I want to know. But that is me. Can't see where pellet hits through scope, time for a new scope.

Save some cardboard and I print off targets, then when one is shot up I glue another paper one on top. Got three metal cloths pin type clamps, two at top and one on bottom to hold the cardboard steady. Change to pistol I change the cardboard with the different style target on it.

CHEERS! and have fun.

Author:  pete [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

hey neighbor I live in port colborne twig. nice target box but i.m with leadslinger. I think I,d get rid of the insulation. I use old jeans they last a long time. take a look on here there are tons of good diy target ideas. I,ve got a few on here. I,ve even got some diy shoot and see target ideas. cheaper to make than buy. the more you make the better you,ll get at it. good like.

Author:  twister [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

There are lots of great target ideas in this thread.

Author:  leadslinger [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

Twiggy wrote:
I'll take it outside for some further testing, shoot at it a lot, and see if anything comes out the back.

I doubt it though, as I said, before everything was bouncing back at me, so it couldn't have penetrated the back at all, I think. I'm skeptical that a sub 500fps air gun could produce the power needed to penetrate the thick particle board at the back, especially when already slowed down by insulation. I'll be sticking with sub 500fps, not because I am too young for a PAL, I'm 23, had an RPAL for a few years already, have multiple "real" guns, but I just like sub 500fps air guns because I can shoot them at home and they arent controlled unlike non-restricted, and restricted firearms. I am way too young to have a prohib license unfortunately.

All signs do point to the insulation absorbing things, because I don't hear the noise of anything hard being hit, so that eliminates the back of the trap, the wall around it, the floor, et,c plus I've already found pellets and bbs inside the insulation, in the first layer of it, so it seems to actually be doing a great job and the 3 layers behind it are just for redundancy or for if I get a .22 calibre one day.

As for health, I work at a recycling plant, I breathe in stuff I shouldn't all the time. I even still use led solder when soldering things.


I did a small experiment. I took the trap off the table, flipped it around so that the back was facing me, and I shot a few pellets at the back.

My hypothesis was that they would bounce off it because of how hard the plywood is.

it appears my hypothesis is correct, as they all bounced off it, and only left the tiniest of chips on it.

So I think I can be certain that the back will never be penetrated and there will never be a hole in the wall.

I don't see where most of the pellets (shot with the trap the proper way around with the insulation at the front) went, but I am able to see a few at caught at the very front.

I'll do another experiment tomorrow outside with a couple layers of insulation and some plywood behind it, then rip apart the insulation after and see where the pellets ended up.

Just because you own real guns doesn't mean much. I owned restricted almost longer than you been alive. I'm younger and I know from experience doing things minimal does. Take it as been there done that, got the scars. Not sure what having a prohib license has to do with anything? We're not talking firearms here and you seem to underestimate airguns, because they're just "BB" guns.

I like to do destructive testing.

Also at 23, protect you're health while you got it. Why I said ditch the insulation. At that age I thought I was invincible. Weld without a mask, burn whatever, weld body panels ( find out they're galvanized ) Grind without safety glasses etc. Till it put me into the hospital. Even when I did the insulation. Well I paid for that for awhile. You know why they stress safety glasses? Because they work.

Now I'm afraid to goto the hospital and get tested for elevated lead levels, since everybody I shoot with did and came up 3-4X more than normal. So would be safe to assume that I be the same. But I love shooting. All could have been avoided with proper respiration.


I just went into the basement. I grabbed 2 chucks of R20 (13" thick total). I had from insulting my ceiling. Well I nearly shot thru both with a 380 FPS airgun. So the next shot would punch thru, start damaging the wood. ETC ETC ETC..Throat just scratchy the little bit handling it.

Would be worst if you used dome or pointed.

I had a Drozd BB gun. 6 rounds each pull. That 6 BB's hitting the same spot over and over. Well that made short work of 6 layers of dollar store floor mats, a thin cutting board and back of the rubber mate container.



As other said use something thicker. I keep on stressing the foam mats because they work and would last a bit longer than the insulation. 4 Layers of rubberized foam, did what 13" of insulation did. Went thru 3 layers stopped on the 4th.

Author:  Twiggy [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

I'll try to do the outdoor insulation experiment today, but I have a family gathering so may not have time, in that case I'll do it tomorrow.

I like the denim idea, I could probably get lots of old jeans at thrift stores.

What I do notice though, is that the type of insulation I and leadslinger used are entirely different, his is harder and sheetlike while mine is soft and puffy.

I do have a Webly Tempest coming in on the second according to the estimated delivery date, and I just bought a .22 underlever rifle from wes, so that should be here in a week or so. The tempest shoots at 420fps, and wes told me the rifle shoots at just under 500, so those should both good for testing different ideas out with.

If I have trouble finding a better stopping material that won't cost me an arm and a leg, I guess I'll just have to buy a few pellet traps and weld them together to make a larger one.

Author:  wheeliehd [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

Buy one or two pellet traps and put inside the box you already made. No welding involved. :lol:

Author:  Twiggy [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

wheeliehd wrote:
Buy one or two pellet traps and put inside the box you already made. No welding involved. :lol:

I'd still have to remove the right side, and the left side from one, or else there would be a bar of metal in the middle.

Maybe I wouldn't have to weld them, but i'd need to find some way to have them stick together.

Author:  wheeliehd [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.



you could put a removable shelf in for your pop cans and such and still shoot paper.


Author:  wheeliehd [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.


Then I have a office room divider made out of steel behind everything. But I shoot high power compound bows and crossbows as well. Don't want a hole through my roof. :lol:

Author:  Twiggy [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Took a few days, but I finally got it right.

Ok, so I will have to use it as is for now, and it should suffice for the time being.

I will be changing the material out to duct seal, and since I cannot find where to get an appropriate sized metal sheet, I will add another layer of plywood on the back.

My local Home Depot only has 7 packs of duct seal in stock, and when I tried to order 15 packs off the website it said it's unavailable, so I will have to continue tracking some down.

From looking at the pictures of my trap, do you guys think 15 packs would be enough, or would something like 20 packs be a safer bet to not run out before covering the entire surface of the back?

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