Detuned my Hatsan striker 1000

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old boot
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Detuned my Hatsan striker 1000

#1 Post by old boot »

After reading about this Striker, I bought one out of curiosity. $160 US, it's a good buy I think.
But my shoulders don't like cocking springers any more. This things a beast. You could throw it in the back of the truck and go shoot'n, sure wouldn't hurt it's looks any.
Stock with crow mags 9.63 gr. it shot 945.4 fps avg.
Cut 1 1/4 " off the spring and it's @ 820.6 fps avg. And 897.2 fps W/ 11 gr. pointed pellets.
I shoot at 10 yards so this will be a paper cutter, I've got a good rat hammer.
I did inadvertently have the trigger all apart. Doesn't seem to be much info on this later trigger.
I managed to find the things not to do, and some pics if anyone's interested.
And a question- how to you figure the energy of these air guns?
And hello from the Pacific NW USA
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Re: Detuned my Hatsan striker 1000

#2 Post by airmec »

Hello and welcome on the forum, old boot :)

(Velocity x Velocity x weight of pellet (or bullet) in grains) divided by 450240 = foot-pounds of energy

In your case, (945.4 fps x 945.4 fps x 9.63grains) divided by 450240 = 19.11 ft.lbs, and (897.2 fps x 897.2 fps x 11 grains) divided by 450240 = 19.67 ft.lbs.

If you have the Chrony brand chronograph and have the owner's manual, there are some useful formulas in it. If you don't have it (the manual), I believe you can download it for free on the Chrony site. There are also online calculators, just a google search away :wink:
If everything's so lovely yeah, then why don't I, why don't I, why don't I, why don't I feel lovely?
old boot
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Re: Detuned my Hatsan striker 1000

#3 Post by old boot »

thanks airmec
I do have the crony and the manual, of course I only read enough to get it set up.
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