3D printed: Muzzle cover, scope rail, magazine storage, barrel mounted weaver rail for bipod or flash light.
Purchased: rifle sling & slip on recoil pad. And the scope is a 3-9x40 AO 10 yd min (it goes to 5 yd no problem).
I was inspired by many things I saw on-line but in the end I made everything from scratch, with quite a few prototypes that are now scrap. Ib particular the scope rail went from Weaver, to dovetail to Weaver and dovetail which works great! Printed in CF/PETG it's strong and stiff. I've ordered a dot sight for it with Wearer mount so the dual rail will be very handy.
Unsuccessful: 3D printed extra magazine pellet clips. No idea why, they fit OK but shoot 80-100 fps slower than injection moulded OEM clips.
I'm still working on the power tune, currently shooting 7.6 gr wads at 445 fps @70 F.