New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

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New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#1 Post by Daryl » ... ir-shotgun
He get a little silly, using B27 sils. & there is no such thing as 6 1/2 shot, only 7 1/2 along with all the rest being solid #'s.
Tungsten shot would be best. USA turkey shooters are now using mostly #9 Tungsten and getting terrific patterns and penetration, much
more than normal #6 lead. The added bonus of the fine tungsten is the increased # of pellets for any given load.
This PCP would work for ducks over decoys VERY well, with the fine tungsten shot.

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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#2 Post by YepYep »

That looks like a long ranger sniper rifle more than a said "shotgun"~ [emoji38]

He's not really going to shoot slugs with it?! :)
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#3 Post by Daryl »

I would certainly try round balls of the appropriate size for the actual bore. Slugs won't work due to lack of rifling.
Round balls will, to about 75yards. If the shot charge of 1/2 ounce makes 1,000fps, the round ball of 255gr. (just over 1/2 ounce) should be the same
or a bit higher due to less friction in the bore. That will work easily for deer to 50yards. That ball will develop 566fpe at 1,000fps. More than double what
my Sam Yang .45 puts out.
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#4 Post by YepYep »

[emoji38] I mean those "true" slugs which for shotguns (packed the same in the shell like other shotgun shells) and looks exactly like a pellet more than those slugs which looks like a bullet but being used on the high power PCP rifles...
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#5 Post by Daryl »

There are no "Foster" (hollow based) slugs nor are there any molds for the Diabolo shaped Lyman 12 bore slug, made in .55" diameter that I am aware of, Yep Yep.
Either of those might have been interesting to test, though.
I would most certainly have Tanner moulds) in the UK make me a round ball mould the correct size, if I had one of those PCP shotguns. The
thing about the "tanner" moulds, is that after the sprue is removed, you are left with a perfectly round sphere that has no projection or flat spot, unlike normal round
ball moulds made in the USA.
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#6 Post by YepYep »

I never had a chance to get into these things after I took my PAL course... That domed shape huge"pellet" as big as my thumb just impressive to me and I remember it every time I load my JSB Exact into my springers~ [emoji38]

And looks the man wasn't using the12ga on it right? I saw the very tiny holes on the pop can looks made from fine sands... I should take some time to watch the video again but not just a quick check up....
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#7 Post by Daryl »

He was using #6 and # 7 1/2 shot - lead as well as tungsten. 7 1/2 (he oft times called it 7.5) used to be the main shot used in trap loads.
Nowadays, some use 8's 8 1/2's(rare) or #9. #9 is the smallest diameter shot easily available.

#9 shot is also made in tungsten and some of the fellows on the muzzleloading forum I frequent, use those for their flintlock smoothbore guns
for turkeys. It's all about the head and neck hits on those big birds.

Lyman came out with that pellet shaped slug for 12 bores and it is actually 14 bore in diameter - roughly .69 cal. 12 bore is .729/.730". That slug
is meant to be placed inside the Winchester Red WA12 "field" wad. This wad when used with shot, holds 1 1/4 ounces. The pellet shaped slug
perfectly fits inside this wad and gives decent accuracy in a smooth bore, but is very much better from my rifled 12 bore barrel with a good load
of Hodgdon "Longshot" powder.
The slug on the left in the picture is from a mould I bored to make a "Foster" slug. It fits the same plastic wad as the pellet shaped slug from my
Lyman mould, but weighs 600gr., as opposed to 525gr. for the Lyman slug. My rifled Mossberg puts both of these slugs out at 1,800fps, for 3,778fpe
for the lighter one and 4,318FPE for the slug I designed. That mould is adjustable, and can actually cast a slug up from 560gr. on up to 1,200gr.
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#8 Post by YepYep »

Daryl, you do have lot of interesting fire arms in the house~ [emoji38] :thumbs:
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#9 Post by Daryl »

I think everyone should. :wink:
Shot this one a bit. Quite accurate, actually, but so far, only with a 155gr. wadcutter hollow based slug.
A proper sized round ball will be about 135gr., so that slug is VERY light for it's .456" calibre. I have moulds that would work, or not,
from 226gr. all the way up to a 580gr. paper patched number. I think about 226gr. will be the maximum for this low powered rifle.
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Re: New .55 (28 bore) PCP Shotgun 1,000fps

#10 Post by 2RoundRob »

I'd love to try this for turkey hunting and general small game. I love how quiet airguns are but shotguns definitely have their place. An air shotgun is truly intriguing. A little expensive for now though.
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