Which Slavia break barrel is the one that......

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#46 Post by RM422 »

Your 620 was probably not tuned right. My 620 is pretty powerful. It is getting better each time I use it. Because when I got it, it was in almost new condition. so the spring is extrememly strong. 2 weeks ago when I last used it (I alternate between all my rifles) I was able to get it to go exactly halfway through a 2x4 from 20 feet with crosman hollow points.
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#47 Post by Voltar1 »

Ever notice how small the old house is when you go back there as an adult? Same thing with pastures, hills, creeks and fish.
If I was betting on this story it was likely a 1x4 and maybe punky to boot.
I'll jazz up my .177 and .22 PCP and do Todds test on construction spruce knot free. Report back soon.
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#48 Post by Talontsi96 »

Don't compare a 1000fps .22 cal pellet gun to a 1000fps .22 rimfire round. There is a huge difference in projectile wight and therefore a huge difference in ftlbs of energy. I don't know of any break barrel .177 or .22 cal rifle that will shoot through 2X4's easily. There seems to be a lot of embelishment going on here.
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#49 Post by Mulby »

ACCURACY is the KEY!! The only concern I have for power is consistency, because without consistency you can't have accuracy. Don't get me wrong, you need a certain amount of energy to have a reasonable level of tragectory. But if I couldn't have an airgun that shot faster than say 400fps in .177 and 500fps in .22, I would simply shoot at much shorter ranges and at much smaller targets,LOL!

Really gentlemen, we should be discussing the levels of consistency and accuracy we can achieve with our AG's, not the brutal murders of inocent 2x4's, LOL!

With all due respect,

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#50 Post by Kato3 »

I just punched two holes in my bedroom door with wadcutters from 10 feet away through and empty pizza box with my Slavia 631. Both pellets went through, camera died so I couldn't get a pic of the exit holes, weren't really clean but punched through.
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#51 Post by nick121214 »

my dad had a realy old slavia and he say it would go throo 1" ply but he dosent remeber what it was he sold it it also went right throo crows :twisted:
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#52 Post by canshooter »

I have a brand new HW80 in .177. It was first made in the early 1980's and was considered at that time to be a magnum air rifle because it was the first spring piston air rifle to break the 1000fps barrier. Mine is putting out approximately 15 fpe. I can tell you that there is now way this this will penetrate a 2x4" I aslo have a pcp that is putting out 28fpe in .22 and It will not pierce a 2x4 either. I owned and used a number of air rifles in the late 60's early 70's and I know of nothing that would go clean through a 2x4. The most pwerful guns I saw in those days were Ben Sheridans which were capable of about 800fps in .177.
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I Once Saw an AG that...

#53 Post by Harley909 »

would rip a hole in a nickel (not right through, just stretched it far enough to rip it). It was the mid 1970's. I was shooting the Slavia's (Woolco specials) of the day and a friend of mine's Dad had his friend come with us out in the country to shoot a targets/gophers etc. His Dad's friend pulled out this large dark stocked break barrel AG as well as these fancy pellets. If I recall the pellets had 3 rings around the head. Now I don't recall the name but I was certain it was a "Beeman". He said he bought the gun in the US and brought it back to Canada. Anyways he proceeded to set a few coins up and at 25-30ft he shot at them. When he brought one back it was hit dead center and was ripped open. I never saw anything like it. I remember holding and shooting the rifle and it was heavy but very quiet.
This is not a "fairy tale" as I will never forget it as long as I live.
I never saw the gun again although the guy "Ernie" I think is still around. He would be pushing 80+ years old.
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Re: Which Slavia break barrel is the one that......

#54 Post by ottokristen »

Hi guys and ( I hope girls.)I am a newbie in spite of being ancient.I just want to add my bit to the stories about Slavia air gun.I grew up with one.I don't remember that gun would be called Slavia,we called it "vzduchovka" CZ,but from all the descriptions I read it was the very same type I had.I lived with that gun.I had that gun when no any guns of any caliber were permitted.It was during the WWll. Actually many times to have that gun it was a matter of survival.There was not too much meat in those days,so a little bit of game came as a blessing.Yes,I was a poacher.I was good in downing a rabbit and skin the darn thing in minutes.In case of pheasants I always aimed for the head,because the pellet had the tendency to slip by the feathers,especially the thick feathers around the chest.I never approached the game too close.Because I never knew if somebody is spying on me.I think I had to be a decent marksman because I was a sharp shooter in the Army much later on.I always tried to kill game at about 90-100 ft.I made sure I have a lot of lubricant.My aunt who brought me up was the best "chefess" I ever encountered.Even the ranger who we called " Her forester Vávra" was impressed when invited for a dinner once in a while.He knew well where the rabbit came from,but he was on our side.The locals did not like me,for obvious reason.Once I got caught in the forest by one of the locals,luckily I hidden the gun just a minute before that in the deep bush.This guy caught me by the neck and put his red face just close front of mine and told me with a hissing voice that they knew where the game population is disappearing and if they catch me I go to jail.But I am still here and they have to shoot me first.Since that I got acquainted with a lot of guns.Because I was good at shooting they made me an antiaircraft gunner.Once I even almost got beaten up by the pilot who was pulling the training target sleeve behind his plane,when I shot just behind his tale.OK,that's all folks.At the closing I want to say,that I don't really like guns as such,especially in hands of people who do not have the proper respect for them.All I want now is my Slavia to shoot the darn chipmunks who moved in to my house.
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Re: Which Slavia break barrel is the one that......

#55 Post by leadslinger »

ottokristen wrote:Hi guys and ( I hope girls.)I am a newbie in spite of being ancient.I just want to add my bit to the stories about Slavia air gun.I grew up with one.I don't remember that gun would be called Slavia,we called it "vzduchovka" CZ,but from all the descriptions I read it was the very same type I had.I lived with that gun.I had that gun when no any guns of any caliber were permitted.It was during the WWll. Actually many times to have that gun it was a matter of survival.There was not too much meat in those days,so a little bit of game came as a blessing.Yes,I was a poacher.I was good in downing a rabbit and skin the darn thing in minutes.In case of pheasants I always aimed for the head,because the pellet had the tendency to slip by the feathers,especially the thick feathers around the chest.I never approached the game too close.Because I never knew if somebody is spying on me.I think I had to be a decent marksman because I was a sharp shooter in the Army much later on.I always tried to kill game at about 90-100 ft.I made sure I have a lot of lubricant.My aunt who brought me up was the best "chefess" I ever encountered.Even the ranger who we called " Her forester Vávra" was impressed when invited for a dinner once in a while.He knew well where the rabbit came from,but he was on our side.The locals did not like me,for obvious reason.Once I got caught in the forest by one of the locals,luckily I hidden the gun just a minute before that in the deep bush.This guy caught me by the neck and put his red face just close front of mine and told me with a hissing voice that they knew where the game population is disappearing and if they catch me I go to jail.But I am still here and they have to shoot me first.Since that I got acquainted with a lot of guns.Because I was good at shooting they made me an antiaircraft gunner.Once I even almost got beaten up by the pilot who was pulling the training target sleeve behind his plane,when I shot just behind his tale.OK,that's all folks.At the closing I want to say,that I don't really like guns as such,especially in hands of people who do not have the proper respect for them.All I want now is my Slavia to shoot the darn chipmunks who moved in to my house.
Nice story. Even though you necro a almost 12 year old thread.
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Re: Which Slavia break barrel is the one that......

#56 Post by YepYep »

That's good ~ I did the same ~

while I joined the forum, I was just sinked into the deep ocean of the posts here and read, skipped, read, replied... but never noticed it's a old post or new post, because everything was just a brand new world to me here ~

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Re: Which Slavia break barrel is the one that......

#57 Post by Twinflower »

Wow, shooting through a 2x4 requires power. Back when I had the .177 Diana 52 I tried the 2x4 for penetration. Using 7.9gr Crosman Premiers I could just barely get through when the muzzle was 1" from the board. This rifle clocked at 1040fps with this pellet. The pellet would break through the wood on the far side but it was stuck with the skirt still in the wood. The CPL would not blowing completely through the spruce 2x4 from this rifle.
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Re: Which Slavia break barrel is the one that......

#58 Post by Edmonton<500 »

Twinflower wrote:Wow, shooting through a 2x4 requires power. Back when I had the .177 Diana 52 I tried the 2x4 for penetration. Using 7.9gr Crosman Premiers I could just barely get through when the muzzle was 1" from the board. This rifle clocked at 1040fps with this pellet. The pellet would break through the wood on the far side but it was stuck with the skirt still in the wood. The CPL would not blowing completely through the spruce 2x4 from this rifle.
TCooper wrote:Wow, shooting through a 2x4 requires power. Back when I had the .177 Diana 52 I tried the 2x4 for penetration. Using 7.9gr Crosman Premiers I could just barely get through when the muzzle was 1" from the board. This rifle clocked at 1040fps with this pellet. The pellet would break through the wood on the far side but it was stuck with the skirt still in the wood. The CPL would not blowing completely through the spruce 2x4 from this rifle.

Really? copy/pasting another member's post as your own? Two accounts off the same IP address? (Kivan). I think you have to be on your way.
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