
This is the place to talk about everything airgun related including air rifles, air pistols, pellet guns, pcp airguns and more.
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Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:33 am
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#1 Post by bobv »

I know I asked before if moly coating would be any good in air guns and I remember that nobody thought it was worth the trouble....but seeing that some guys coat their pellets with Slick 50 and spray wax...also I have a lot of time on my hands now and usally don't listen to anyone ( ask the wife!!!) anyways, I decided to give it try. So I coated 25 pellets in my tumbler then coated the inside of the barrel, I use powdered moly for this, anyway I shot the coated pellets which seemed OK but nothing dramatic accuracy wise :? , not better not worse but then I shot some uncoated Ruko wadcutter POI was up 1 inch and it put 5 pellets into a small group of less then a 1/4 inch and did this a couple of more times :lol: . So far so good ,will keep on testing to see what I get . BTW I did this with my Norica 56 , which has the worst trigger, but I have installed a rear peep sight and a homemade front globe sight, way better than a scope!!!
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