Well this one has a nice straight sight, and it sounds better for some reason, and i was wondering about one little detail, when you pull the trigger all the way back, it makes a click kind of noise, and when you just start to let the trigger go back, it makes the same noise, is that normal in this gun, or other guns? becuase my Quest doesnt do it.
my airguns, Crosman Quest 500, Gamo Delta, Daisy Buck, and Diana Mod 24!
well thats wierd... well im gonna take it apart tommorow and make it so the anti bear trap stops moving around when you shake the gun, then maybe i will look at it.
my airguns, Crosman Quest 500, Gamo Delta, Daisy Buck, and Diana Mod 24!
I guarentee you there is nothing wrong with your delta. There is no reason to take it apart. And if you have never taken apart a gun before I also guarentee there will be something wrong with it after.
Well here is what I mean. I'm not saying that he doesn't know anything about guns. Who knows he may have taken them apart before and fixed them with great success. I'm just saying that if he has never taken one apart before and doesn't know what he is doing then he shouldn't do it. Especially on an air rifle of that price. Yes it's great to learn but learn on something less expensive.