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#1 Post by ABshooter »

The paint on my 2240 was flaking off like crazy, so I took it apart and wirebrushed it all off. What I want to know is what kind of paint should I use? Will regular rust paint in a spray can stick good? Or will it flake off too? How about the paint you can get in a little glass bottle at hobby shops, I think it's for painting model cars. Thanks,

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#2 Post by RM422 »

Both of those paints will work. I hand painted my 1377 with flat black rust paint. Or you can buy gun blue and blue it.
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#3 Post by Aaron »

r u using primer berfore u paint or just paint directly onto the gun?
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#4 Post by ABshooter »

I plan to use paint only, but I'll do what ever you say is better...

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#5 Post by Jester »

I tried some flat black rust paint and found that it didn't stick really well on its own. It looked good but scratched off very easily. I found the same thing with automotive "chrome" paint. So I have bought some automotive primer, but I haven't tried it yet. I'm sure it will work much better though - there is a reason primer is made.
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#6 Post by airgunfun »

The gun must be prepped and primed before painting otherwise you're just wasting your time...the paint will flake off quickly. The frame can't be blued as it's an alloy (potmetal), but the tube and barrel can.
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#7 Post by ABshooter »

How do you prep and prime metal?

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#8 Post by Jester »

To prep it I rough it up slightly with fine grit sand paper (400 to 600), then clean it well with metholated spirits and let it dry completely. Then paint it with a suitable primer.
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#9 Post by On/Scene Tactical »

Hey Guys..

Another thing you can do, and is what I will eventually do is beadblast it carefully, then take it to a shop that does powder coating, and have it baked on..
If done correctly,, it should be Seriously tough..
I have knives that are powder coated,,and they literlly take a beating...

The only thing you will really have to watch are any threadedholes..These can be plugged several different ways...

Powder coating is frigging awesome on stuff like this,,and the colors you have to choose from is endless... Olive drab, Desert Tan, even some mettalics can be done..Basically all the fancy painjobs you see on paintball guns can be done to a 2240..


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#10 Post by Aaron »

powdercoated metal you could beat with a steel hammer and the paint wont come off, ive had my paintball gun powder coated and it doesnt even have a nick or scratch on it..... the only drawback is its pricey but well worth the money
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#11 Post by On/Scene Tactical »

Hey Aaron...

Yaa it's tough stuff for sure...

What did they charge you for a powder coating job ??

I didn't think it was very expensive at all...

You have to go to the paint shop yourself, and not have it farmed out through a paintball shop..That's where it will get expensive...

Theres tons of people that do powdercoating..Even small guys who do it out of their garage, just have to look around...


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#12 Post by Aaron »

well i gave to to my friend who said he would bring it to a place up in toronto, DEs Customs Paints, dont no what the DE stands for, but it cost 75$, i know it doesnt sound expensive but when your painting something the saize of your arm 75 bucks is a lot.
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#13 Post by On/Scene Tactical »

Hey Aaron...

Yaa $75 is pretty expensive for sure...

Theres no reason that the entire thing couldn't be done for $35.00 or so...We were getting knives done for $5-10 a crack

The most time is in the prep work..Spraying and materials, and baking is the easy part...

I was actually thinking of getting a powder spraying setup here and doing small parts on a custom basis...
As long as it's metal powder coating can be done...


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#14 Post by Aaron »

that would be a great off the side business, the only expensive piece of equipment would be the oven
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#15 Post by On/Scene Tactical »

Hey Aaron...

Actually that would probably be the cheapest part..Just an old kitchen oven would work fine for small parts and such...


ABS Apprentice Blade Smith
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