2240 vs 1377

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2240 vs 1377

#1 Post by ABshooter »

I just want one to have a fun shootin around plinking gun, maybe shoot a bird or two. Basically just to have a fun handgun. Any, which do you all think is the plinking gun? I'm kinda leaning towards the 1377, cause it's cheaper. Remember, I am 14, and have a very meager income.

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#2 Post by sniper »

have consider a B5-10 ???
Less pumping for high fps. It becomes a rifle in second. heavy duty, It's
made out of steel with magazine.

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#3 Post by under500fps »

:evil: DON'T SHOOT SONG BIRDS :evil:
The 2240 is easier to use but more expensive to shot .22 pellets + co2 every 40 shots.
The 1377 has a long & heavy barrel, you have to pump it 5 to 10 times for each shot. But it is cheaper to shoot .177 pellets & no co2 to buy.
In your case with not too much money ,i say go for the 1377.
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#4 Post by killercrow »

or get a 2240 and put a 177 barrel on it. but yeah, pumping is free, co2 isnt.
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#5 Post by TCooper »

The 2240 is easier to use but more expensive to shot .22 pellets + co2 every 40 shots.

Yep, shooting a "power tuned" .22 caliber CO2 pistol, such as the Cr2240, is not a cheap adventure. A quality .22 pellet from JSB, RWS, or H&N will costs around 2.5 cents each. The average price for locally purchased powerlets seems to be about 80 cents each so a pistol yielding 25-27 good shots is costing 3.0 to 3.2 cents per shot. The cost per shot totals approx 5.5 to 5.7 cents(pre-tax). A person can buy rimfire ammo for less than this price.

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#6 Post by lauchlin »

Get the pumper co2 just to much trouble in the cold and i dou,t like the little tubes

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#7 Post by canshooter »

For a couple of bucks more consider the 2289g. More hitting power because of the heavier pellet. and it comes with a detachable stockto turn it into an easily transported carbine. I have the 1377 and the 2289g and use the 2289 about 5 times as much. I also had a 2240 but didnt like disposable C02 and slao it was useless in the cold.
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#8 Post by ABshooter »

canshooter wrote:For a couple of bucks more consider the 2289g. More hitting power because of the heavier pellet. and it comes with a detachable stockto turn it into an easily transported carbine. I have the 1377 and the 2289g and use the 2289 about 5 times as much. I also had a 2240 but didnt like disposable C02 and slao it was useless in the cold.
I don't really want more hitting power, it's just gonna be a plinker. BTW, where I am, the 2289 is twice the price of the 1377. 1377-$60. 2289-$120.

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