Yes thats right I started with a 2240 went as far as I could building a HPA Carbine, then bought a Drozd went as far as I could go once again, then a Patriot nothing to do to this monster. So then I see the 600 and well I have this hip holster with nothing to put in it, so then I think to myself hey there are these 3 guys in mortal 600 danger what can I do to help, bingo fill my holster save a family unit or two and get the Order of Canada! Makes sense to me, but I also figured enough responses and maybe one of you would give one up to make me go away!
Just having fun guys, thanks.
PS no pressure here but I did promise my son a 600 but once again don't feel bad about breaking a kid's heart.
Thought this tactic might be more effective, damn hit return before editing crikely there onto me!