A bit of help please

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A bit of help please

#1 Post by Lornce »

Is there a way of identifying a “made for Canadaâ€
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#2 Post by thudthumper »

wow...if you don't mind me asking...what drew their attention to you in the first place? why on earth would they sieze the legally registered guns?

and i'm sorry i'm not more familiar with canadian laws.
not too bad for a 23 year old university student, eh?
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#3 Post by airsmith282 »

crosmans web site is your proof of under 500fps for the 2240 if you have not moded it , the back packer is not listed but you can get a manule iam sure that should list the fps other wise the boxs are your only hope that iam aware of..the back packer if defentally under 500 fps untill the valve is moded amounge other mods.....
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#4 Post by ustilago »

If you have received an unconditional discharge then they should be returning all of your property. The judgement should be quite sufficient for them. If you have the original boxes, take them with you when you go to demand your stuff. Bring your lawyer, a chronograph and a mixed bag of pellets. If you haven't modified them, you have nothing to fear.
Failing that. . .
Sick your lawyer on them and sue them to recover your court costs, lost time and emotional hardship ('er whatever).

Usually, the manufacturer’s specifications are used to determine what muzzle velocity and muzzle energy an air gun was designed to have. This information may be available in the user’s manual or on the manufacturer’s web site. If the information is not available, individuals can call 1 800 731-4000 and ask to speak to a firearms technician to find out if the air gun is classified as a firearm for purposes of the Firearms Act.
Quoted from the Canada Firearms Center Website.

I have to wonder though, what did you do to piss them off?
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#5 Post by TCooper »

I guess this situation shows, once again, that it is possible for airguns to be seized and checked by police. Fortunately, your airguns were not modified to illegal levels. The police may choose to check velocities before returning your airguns. This would not be the first time, or last, that I have heard of this happening (velocity checks).

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#6 Post by Aaron »

i would sue there buttock after u get your things back
for wrongful somthing
kill it with fire
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#7 Post by TCooper »

Aaron_2289g_guy wrote:i would sue there buttock after u get your things back
for wrongful somthing
A police officer is protected under the CCC if they "act in good faith" and "have reasonable and probable grounds" to feel a law has be broken. This is what the crown attorney would try to prove in court. The 12 charges might have justified the actions of the law enforcement officers, or maybe not.

Maybe we can wait to read more about Lornce's 12 criminal charges. It might be interesting to read the entire story, or maybe not. :)

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#8 Post by Darkflare »

Yeah, Not to sound stuck up or anything like that, but sueing someone, especially police officers is generally quite a costly and time consuming thing. Often the threat of sueing someone can be all you need to get a settlement, however since police are well aware of legal maters that would not be a good thing. in the long run its always better just to wait, I'm guessing the reason why you haven't gotton them back yet is because of paperwork.

But yeah once we know the criminal chargers its easier to judge the situation.

on a slightly related note, if anyone gets a chance to take canadian law in school, do it, its a great course.

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#9 Post by LarryS »

Ny original post was removed. So another condition is the unauthorized taking of game or protected specie. LarryS
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