ineedPal... If you see this.

This is the place to talk about everything airgun related including air rifles, air pistols, pellet guns, pcp airguns and more.
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ineedPal... If you see this.

#1 Post by LarryS »

Please e-mail me directly if you still have my actual address, any shooting data of those balls. I accidently removed your e-mail out of my computer during a purge of this forums contacts.

I will not be logging on again after that last side-show which completely missed the trigger stop intent & objective of a photo.

Thanking you & JezX for past contributions & participations in those tests. - L.S.
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Trigger stop thread

#2 Post by Tailgunner »

Larry - I read the post and can't find anything ........ disturbing........ in either what you said or what anyone else did......... is there a problem that I missed??????????

Regards - Gus

OOPS :oops: ........and then I found the thread that started this thread - uhhhh........did it ever occur to you guys that were dumping all over Larry that he just might know something that you don't????????
Last edited by Tailgunner on Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by thudthumper »

Larry, there's no need to leave. you've had some good, thought-provoking posts. so the last one wasn't so popular...that doesn't mean you're wrong. there will always be individuals with a bone to pick regardless of your intentions.

i thought that was a damn good grouping, especially for a series of shap-shots. snapshooting has it's place. hell, if i could shoot like that i'd have a lot more squirrels to my name! :D
not too bad for a 23 year old university student, eh?
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snap shooting

#4 Post by Tailgunner »

Yeah Larry - what Thudthumper said......and if anyone REALLYwants to educate themselves on snap shooting it's as close as entering 'snap shooting' into Google. One of the first articles you'll read is on 2 PPCLI - and how they practice this keep themselves snap shooting...........really.

Cheers - Gus :D
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