Edmonton Gun show

This is the place to talk about everything airgun related including air rifles, air pistols, pellet guns, pcp airguns and more.
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Edmonton Gun show

#1 Post by Whitewolf »

Aquired a few new ones



RWS 68 .177 cal Basic 48 / 52 powerplants in a break bbl


10m competition grade recoiless side cocker Interesting weapon Here's a quick low down

Weight 5 Kgs

Length 1130mm

Cal .177

Barrel 480mm with barrel sleeve ( missing 100g detach muzzle weight

Sights Micrometer Diopter ( missing front and rear

Length of sight line 720mm to 830mm

Trigger Match trigger with fine adjustment Trigger tongue adjustable to
15 mm and sidewards up to 5 mm
First stage pull adjustable 100g to 400g second stage 150g

Manufactor Dianawerk Mayer & Grammelspacher

Guns model name CONDOR

Yes boys this is the original to the name, most of you are familiar with the PCP Condor but this baby is the original, a recoiless springer.

Neat huh, maybe useless info to some and others just drool at the find

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#2 Post by under500fps »

That model 75 sure looks like a good dependable (opps once fixed) and an accurate shooter once you put some kind of sight or scope on it.
Last edited by under500fps on Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by Whitewolf »

The interesting part is gotta fix it first, it won't launch a pellet down the barrel. So main forward seal is gone and maybe spring. The purchase of this gun is a non pal due to it doesn't fire so no fps for pemiting. And non of the previous owners had any info to go with it other than operator's manual
Apparently it's pasted thru a few hands until me so now my work is cut out for me now. This is a dual piston recoiless and I have no idea (yet) on working on one of these. First dual piston.
Ironic no sooner I crawl outta a closet an insationable challenge (cool)
I'd love to find factory sites for it to, gotta look abroad for that most likely.

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#4 Post by Talontsi96 »

Where and when was this show...and why didn't I know about it? I definitelly would have went to it..
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#5 Post by Whitewolf »

Your in luck it's running tommorrow as well Sport X center 10 - 4:00 p.m. $5. admission for adults $2.50 kids 12 and under.

Some old things lots of neat things and a wack of Canadian Millitary History.

The biggest show for western Canada is April 14 & 15 Roundup center Calgary

More info @ www.calgarygunshow.com time and dates for Sask and Alberta

Oh by the way any airguns of resonable value (he he) I came home with. But if your looking for a IZH 61 for a fun indoor shooting one vender had a few left I believe he was looking for $130 new with spare spring and cleaning rod. A few Chinese stuff, some Hatsuns and couple oddballs. Oh the vender who has the complete collection of the Webley pistol collection since production won't sell. Damn the sets in excellent shape for it's age.

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#6 Post by Slash5 »

Parts for the Giss recoiless Diana guns are available from North Silva.
You usually need to talk to Peter. I think he is usually only there on Fridays.
Almost every one of these guns need to be resealed when you find them. The plastic used in the original seals falls apart after 20 years or so.

The recoiless rack system requires careful timing - not for someone not familiar with them.
I had a Diana model 10 that a gunsmith had resealed. When I had it fixed properly, one of the racks had to be replaced because a tooth had been chipped when it was improperly timed.
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#7 Post by Whitewolf »

Hey thanks a bunch, and yes I do realize that the timing cams are the most critical part of these dual cylinder recoiless guns. Done the reading not the disamtling.

Thanks again for the parts tip.

May the cry of the pack be with you upon your hunt

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