Why do you get treated like a criminal when buying airguns?

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Why do you get treated like a criminal when buying airguns?

#1 Post by ace_himself »

It really pisses me off. It happens at most stores, Canadian Tire especially but also places like Lebaron for example. I was at Lebaron a while ago buying a CP99 and they act all funny in the sense that they almost seem like they are suspect of your motives for buying this. And then comes all the "can I see 8 million pieces (yes i'm exagerating a bit) of ID" and they write every single piece of data they can find on your driver's license into their log books. Canadian Tire is the worst for this, there one time I didn't have my driver's license but had a bunch of other pieces of ID like health card, birth certificate, blood donar card, university ID etc. etc. and the retarded lady refused to sell me pellets and CO2 cartridges lol can you believe it. Most other stores are better but even at an outdoor's store like Lebaron it's just annoying how it isn't just to confirm your age by seeing your ID they want to log every bit of information they can into their records almost like you're registering it and they are expecting you to use it for criminal purposes.

That's just my little rant, I guess there is probably some sort of purpose behind as inherently there will be a few people who use their airguns in an irresponsible manner, but I've always believed that it isn't fair to punish those who play by the rules for the actions of those who don't. What are your thoughts on this?
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#2 Post by webstien »

Must be your canadian tire though because when I buy there they dont ask me for anything and I'm about your age (20).

I guess it depends on where you live. I have never heard of an airgun crime in my area but I have heard of kids shooting donuts at peoples houses, and driveby shooting of paintball guns. I once had a friend ask if he could borrow my paintball gun to go shooting (at houses or out of a car)!!! I refused of course (no ----ing way!)

Places like your canadian tire that sell airguns must have pressure on them from authorities to check on this kind of stuff.
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#3 Post by Talontsi96 »

You must look like a criminal or something, when I bought my last airgun at Can Tire or buy pelets there or wholesale sports they never ask me for ID or anything. Thay basically hand me the pellets and that's it...

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#4 Post by ace_himself »

Well I live in the Greater Toronto Area so that might be a factor, very anti-anything that resembles a gun lol. The municipality I live in actually passed a bylaw last year banning the sale of airguns. I don't think it's the way I look, I'm your average 21 year old pasty white kid.

It probably varies depending on the region, but here at places like Canadian Tire and LeBaron, before they'll even get anything out of the locked cabinets they take your driver's license and write down everything you can imagine, the serial number, your DOB, your full name and address, expiry date all this crap. It's rediculous. And it isn't just one particular store, it's pretty much every Canadian tire and a few other outdoor stores around here that I've been to.
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#5 Post by Gotrice23 »

WTF? When my mom buys pellets, Co2, etc for me at CT the don't say anything. And guess what? I'm taller then my mom. :lol:
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#6 Post by ace_himself »

Gotrice23 wrote:WTF? When my mom buys pellets, Co2, etc for me at CT the don't say anything. And guess what? I'm taller then my mom. :lol:
Yeah I'd like to hear from somebody who lives in the Toronto area, I think that might be a factor since there are regional differences. But I know at all the canadian tire they do this and when I question them they say it's a company policy.
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#7 Post by Talontsi96 »

Well it definielly is not a COMPANY policy because I have never heard of that happening to anyone in Edmonton.
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#8 Post by sammy »

I live in Richmond Hill, close enough to Toronto and I have been to CT in North York, Richmond Hill and Auroa - no they don't ask for any id. I have also been to Lebaron in Markham couple of times, and besides their usual anal selfs :lol: they have not asked me for id.

OTH, Brass Pro in Vaughn do not ask for id when buying airgun, but they take down everything buying freaking pellets!! :twisted: Go figure .. No id for firearm but they want your family tree buying ammo - pellets in our case (more embarrasing). :shock:

Search for a thread that I started on my first lebaron visit.
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#9 Post by ace_himself »

sammy wrote:I live in Richmond Hill, close enough to Toronto and I have been to CT in North York, Richmond Hill and Auroa - no they don't ask for any id. I have also been to Lebaron in Markham couple of times, and besides their usual anal selfs :lol: they have not asked me for id.

OTH, Brass Pro in Vaughn do not ask for id when buying airgun, but they take down everything buying freaking pellets!! :twisted: Go figure .. No id for firearm but they want your family tree buying ammo - pellets in our case (more embarrasing). :shock:

Search for a thread that I started on my first lebaron visit.
Yeah I agree at least for Lebaron on the real attitude of looking down upon airguns. I don't really see it at Canadian Tire because the staff there that helps me out with getting stuff are all like 45 year old women who have no clue about any of it.
I've been to bass pro shops and found they really had jack litter for airgun selection, maybe like 4 or 5 different cheap crosman models but thats all.

I just don't know why they do this... I don't think there's any law requiring places like Lebaron or CT to take information from people buying airguns, is it some kind of liability thing for them maybe? I dunno it's stupid though.

Is it so if someone murdered somebody by holding them down on the ground and shooting them in the eyeball 14 times with an airgun that they could go back into the records and trace the culprit? Maybe do some forensic ballistics work and see if the pellets match the barrel of the airgun? Seems pretty illogical.
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#10 Post by sammy »

:lol: :lol: 14 times :lol: :lol: that sounds about right.

Be safe. Ciao
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#11 Post by Talontsi96 »

With a Drozd that would take less than 3/4 of a second...... :)
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they ask for i.d

#12 Post by slaviainjection »

variety stores ask for i.d for cigs, so why wouldn't stores cover themselves in purchases of air guns? Granted I would be pissed if someone were to take down all my info on a under 5 and simply leave the store and go somewhere else. But I wouldn't care if they just wanted to verify that I was over the age of eighteen. Personally never asked for i.d at Lebarons, Crappie Tire or Wally world. And yeah I think we all agree that Lebaron has some ****ing ***holes that work there. Boy do I miss having intelluctual conversations with and when Terry was there. The guy was a great guy and loved to share his wealth of knowledge. Oh well, nice guys finish last.
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Re: they ask for i.d

#13 Post by ace_himself »

slaviainjection wrote:variety stores ask for i.d for cigs, so why wouldn't stores cover themselves in purchases of air guns? Granted I would be pissed if someone were to take down all my info on a under 5 and simply leave the store and go somewhere else. But I wouldn't care if they just wanted to verify that I was over the age of eighteen. Personally never asked for i.d at Lebarons, Crappie Tire or Wally world. And yeah I think we all agree that Lebaron has some ****ing ***holes that work there. Boy do I miss having intelluctual conversations with and when Terry was there. The guy was a great guy and loved to share his wealth of knowledge. Oh well, nice guys finish last.
I have no problem with being asked for ID to see that I'm over 18 man. But when you go to buy cigs at the corner store or a 24 at the beer store do they get out a big binder and spend 5 minutes squinting to see all the information on your driver's license and writing it down? If they want me to show them a piece of ID saying I'm old enough to buy an airugn or pellets fine by me, but don't make it like I'm buying a Glock and you have to register it to me and make sure that you have all my particulars recorded for the future you know what I mean.

And yeah I find all of the older guys working at Lebaron either in the gun shop or elsewhere are pricks. You ask a question and they respond in a manner that basically says "why didn't you research that before you came here!" I dunno if I owned a business I wouldn't tolerate having people treat customers like that but to each their own I guess. Just kinda sucks since selection wise they are one of the best in the GTA aside from Bass pro shops but they're mostly dicks there too lol. Maybe we've discovered a trend?
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#14 Post by ancorp »

Well besides the staff taking upto 2 hours (when the guy with keys went on a break, and noone knew), Canadian tire didnt have a problem selling to my father, and I can most likely go in there (16) and buy pellets and such too, just not the guns.

At Bass Pro, the asses took down everything for a small tin of pellets!!!

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#15 Post by Wolf »

The only thing that bothers me when they ask for ID is what happens to the information after they write it down?
I have asked a number of employees in various stores and they "think" it is destroyed after a year. :roll:
What if employees are passing this info on to certain individuls even just in general conversation?
If this info is not guarded or destroyed it makes you a prime target for break and enter especially for those looking for firearms.
Only in canada, you say!

Just my 2 cents worth. Wolf.
To Each Their Own.
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