Technical Analysis of the HW100

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#121 Post by les175 »

Mine is:

2007/04 date on air cylinder
1907178 serial number on reciever

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#122 Post by zorro63 »


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#123 Post by zorro63 »

The regulator of my weapon this damaged and I need to repair it.
Buy my weapon of second hand, and it does not have guarantee.

My questions are simple:
1- Somebody has disassembled the regulator?.
2- Somebody like doing it knows?.
3- Somebody can help me?.

Le contrôleur de mon arme est endommagé et ai besoin de le réparer.
Achetez mon arme de seconde main, et n'a pas garantie.

Mes questions sont simples :
1 Quelqu'un a démonté le contrôleur ?.
2 Il sait quelqu'un comme le faire ?.
3 Peut m'aider quelqu'un ?.

El regulador de mi arma esta averiado y necesito repararlo.
Compre mi arma de segunda mano, y no tiene garantía.

Mis preguntas son sencillas:
1.- ¿Alguien ha desmontado el regulador?.
2.- ¿Sabe alguien como hacerlo?.
3.- ¿Puede ayudarme alguien?.
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#124 Post by Keyrigger »

There are a number of people that could help you, but there is not enough information given as to what is wrong with the regulator. If you know that it is damaged, and you know what the parts should look like, from the pictures here, and other places, it should not be too hard to see how the parts come apart and how they should go back together. If it is not possible for you to do this, by yourself, you should get a friend that can fully understand the English language, to post questions for you, as there seem to be no posters that can answer you in any other language. The rifle is not difficult to work on and there have been a few people that have made adjustments to their rifles with the information that has been posted here.

I have an exploded diagram so I will post that so you can see how the parts relate to each other. Hope this helps.

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#125 Post by zorro63 »

Very well, it will look for a person who translates my simple questions to the English language.
I request pardon not to know the language English, so single I know, the French language, the Portuguese language, and of course my Spanish language. I will continue with my damaged weapon meanwhile.
Thanks for your interest and amiability.
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#126 Post by Cadeau »

What is the size of the air cylinder on the HW100 ?
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Power adjustments questions

#127 Post by xo-intel »

Sorry about the FAC questions. However it is not as explicit as it may sound. In good ol´ Europe you have many small countries with even more different laws. Some are justified, some are just rediculous. Just as in Canada I guess . Anyway. In Europe you have the situation that most of the countries allow much higher legal power outputs than the great engineering country Germany itself. Unfortunately the available guns in those countries have much higher price tags than in Germany. This gives people from Holland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg etc. etc. the idea to drive over (yes, in Europe you can do that by car and dont need a plane and a day of your time) and buy the very limited 7,5Joule versions in order to convert them to their local legal standard. In Holland for example there is no power limitation on air gun at all . So even with a so called FAC (this is british anyway) you are perfectly legal even when you need 2000Joules. So if you have people from Europe referring to FAC, this does not nessecarily mean that it is against their local gun law. It is more related to british law standards in order to give you an idea what they are talking about. So I hope there was not misunderstanding which was caused through my first posting which was not intended to give anyone the idea that something not legally obeying is going on. Have a nice sunday btw.
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#128 Post by TheNightHawk »


And over tightening your regulator can damage your belleville washers inside of the regulator and over tighthen your hammer spring can damage the trigger unit.
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#129 Post by Norfolkngood »

Q. What does FAC mean?
A. FAC stands for Fire Arms Certificate. This is any rifle that produces over 12ft/lbs (16 Joules) energy.

This refers to laws in Great Britain which make it illegal to have an airgun without a firearm certificate if it is above 12 ft lbs. Punishable by up to a 5 year prison sentence if you are caught over the limit. :?
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#130 Post by kimkoba »

Oh, Wow....

Well, these are the tough rules for living in a free world....
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#131 Post by Keyrigger »

If the need is to tune the rifle to less than 7.5j, then the Belleville stack will need to be re-arranged. One thing I learned from the Steyr, is that the most simple change can make a tremendous difference in output pressure of the regulator. As I had also mentioned, there would also be the need to change other internal springs so that the system can be brought into balance.

Kimkoba, your estimate of 120 BAR (did you see that on another forum or did I use that at some point?) is pretty much what the full power rifle takes. I can tell you that the 7.5j Steyr regulator is set to 60 BAR and the 16j regulator is set to 80 BAR with the full power 24j rifle set to 120 BAR. It is a great understanding of the pressures needed to obtain the power levels mentioned. One thing is that to reduce the power from 120 to 80 is not too much of a drop (it could result in an earlier fatigue point for the washers), but to drop the full power regulator to half its output will most likely flatten the Belleville washers and, will for certain, result in the washers collapsing in a short order of time.

Noise seems to be an issue, but are your laws like ours, that prevent us from owning silencing devices for any guns? One of the reasons for this was the fact that the full power rifle was too loud, from your first post. The silencer housing is not classified as such here, but if you add the internal parts that you can own in England, it is then a prohibited device, here (the end silencer, not the rifle). Take care.
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#132 Post by wonderlander »


a few questions

when the bar is 200 compare to bar 120, does the gun shooting power is still the same?

what is the minimum bar level recommended before we have to refill the air again?

when i keep my rifle, do i need to remove the air tank?
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#133 Post by sniper »

wonderlander wrote:Hi,

a few questions

when the bar is 200 compare to bar 120, does the gun shooting power is still the same?
Yes, it should since it is regulated.
wonderlander wrote: what is the minimum bar level recommended before we have to refill the air again?
It's about 70 bar.
wonderlander wrote: when i keep my rifle, do i need to remove the air tank?
Not neccessary ... that I know.
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#134 Post by wonderlander »

great... tx for the info sniper ... its my third rifle and so far the very best. very satisfied with it....

before i have the local made, and it sucks... you know what i mean... hahah
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#135 Post by wonderlander »

sorry, newbie here..

whats the simplest way to increase the power of your rifle without messing with the D part. is there any?
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