I am Addicted to air!!

This is the place to talk about everything airgun related including air rifles, air pistols, pellet guns, pcp airguns and more.
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I am Addicted to air!!

#1 Post by JayzDaMan »

Guns that is!!Honestly I'm scaring myself!I am in my early 30s self-employed,married with 2 kids and own a 4 acre acerage.In the last month or so I have spend a couple of grand on air guns.I used to shoot when I was a kid(Cz 630) own several actual firearms but I can't keep buying these airguns.In the past month this is what I have bought,a HW30 s in nickel,HW45 in nickel, HW45 in bleau,Hw40,HW75,HW97kl,Cz 630,Cz 631,CP99 compact,Nighthawk(collectible thing),Tempest,Hurricane and lastly a IZH46m, and IZH61.Most of these guns I haven't even shot yet!!Now I am on the look out for a nemesis and patriott.This can't be normal.If my wife finds out I am a dead man!! :D
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#2 Post by Gotrice23 »

Whoa :shock: And my mom calls ME crazy... :lol: :lol:
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#3 Post by NIGHTHAWK »

Yeh, JayzDaMan, I know where you are coming from too. Spent a grand since the beginning of the year, and just when I think I had enough along comes another love for an airgun.

Hey, at least you are not gambling the money away!! That's what I tell my wife. :)

Take care,

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#4 Post by JayzDaMan »

Thats true I could have worse habbits!By the way does any one know where I can get :D the Nemesis In the nickel finish?lol :lol: I know D&L has them in the regular blued finish.Who else carries them?Thanks alot!
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#5 Post by ETA »

Doen't look like you have any CO2 rifles, you needs a half dozen 2240s with lots of mod parts and a half dozen QB78. :lol:
You also need at least one PCP. How about a HW100 with a HPA pump to make your HW collection more complete? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wait until your wife see the credit card bill. :twisted: :axe:
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#6 Post by JayzDaMan »

Ya Harvey at Illingsworth was trying to get me into aHW100T about $1500 bucks plus pump!But it will probably be my next HW gun :D
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#7 Post by NIGHTHAWK »

ETA wrote: Wait until your wife see the credit card bill. :twisted: :axe:

CASH ONLY! Best way.... no paper trail. :wink:

Take care,

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#8 Post by sniper »

hahahahaha ..... ETA is absolutely right .....

Welcome and join the AA (Airguns Anonymous).

Another victim is Sammy .... after he tried my HW100T ....lol....
and QB ..... and 2250 ......and so on....
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#9 Post by JayzDaMan »

lol Iam glad Iam not the only one!!Honestly though anyone know where I can buy that Nemesis in nickel?Oh ya I just took my IZH46m out of the box very weird I never had a competition gun before.I have to lower the bottom end of the grip,my hands are too big to fit well.Also are these things so called sighted in at 10m like my HW guns are?
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#10 Post by Parker_101_ »

ETA wrote: Wait until your wife see the credit card bill. :twisted: :axe:

CASH ONLY! Best way.... no paper trail. :wink:

Take care,

Hahahaha!!!.....don't forget you'll need hiding spots for all your goodies... closets, tool sheds, garages, attic crawl spaces and stuffed beyond capacity gun safes....... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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#11 Post by randyhub »

You will love the Patriot just buy it in .22/.25 only bad thing is when you hit something the whack is very loud! 8)
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#12 Post by Cadeau »

Jayzdaman: I know what you mean! Anyways I boiled my next buy down to the Webley Patriot ( walnut stock) I had been contenplating the Diana 350 magnum but I thought for an extra couple hundred I could have the best. I"ll l be ordering mine in a couple months. Ive done alot of reviewing on this gun and IT'S ALL POSITIVE .
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#13 Post by jezX »

i'm happy to hear that some one else is freely blowing lots of money on air guns ,makes me feel better . you do need some good hpa rifles and a scuba tank ,and a hand pump , and a couple good scopes for them ,and a bipod and some new pellets and...lol ....so i think you got lots more buying on the way .
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#14 Post by canshooter »

Geez you guys are sick. I on the other hand am perfectly in control and can quit anytime I want.
Airgunning is my hobby... and it is cheaper than
maintaining an outside relationship with another woman.
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Re: I am Addicted to air!!

#15 Post by ABshooter »

JayzDaMan wrote:Guns that is!!Honestly I'm scaring myself!I am in my early 30s self-employed,married with 2 kids and own a 4 acre acerage.In the last month or so I have spend a couple of grand on air guns.I used to shoot when I was a kid(Cz 630) own several actual firearms but I can't keep buying these airguns.In the past month this is what I have bought,a HW30 s in nickel,HW45 in nickel, HW45 in bleau,Hw40,HW75,HW97kl,Cz 630,Cz 631,CP99 compact,Nighthawk(collectible thing),Tempest,Hurricane and lastly a IZH46m, and IZH61.Most of these guns I haven't even shot yet!!Now I am on the look out for a nemesis and patriott.This can't be normal.If my wife finds out I am a dead man!! :D
You'll get used to it... But for the first month or so, you feel panicy "Oh my god, I'm addicted!!" kinda stuff. You'll get used to it.

Hey, don't hate. It releases negative energy, which is bad for everyone.
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