CR600 with an attitude
Re: CR600 with an attitude
Hi There Sniper,sniper wrote:It doesn't shoot very hard ....lol..... it shoots too hard ....
steady hi-vel. without dropping fps and alot more shots ...
Thanks again for letting me try our the gun last night. Great gun you have there. I can see that I am just digging myself a bigger hole to lay in... have already emailed MRMARVIN for a chance to buy one CR600 from him if he comes across one.
Take care,
Last edited by NIGHTHAWK on Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: CR600 with an attitude
You're welcome NIGHTHAWK.NIGHTHAWK wrote:Hi There Sniper,
Thanks again for letting me try our the gun last night. Great gun you have there. I can see that I am just digging myself a bigger hole to lay in... have already emailed MRMARVIN for a chance to buy one CR600 of him if he comes across one.
Take care,
Ah .... now you're asking your self for trouble ....LOL.....
I think now we can check the list across Canada who's name is on the top of the list through out all dealer for CR600 ....
My wild guess would be AIRGUNFUN ..... the HOARDER ....lol...
Walter, you surprise me actually...as you appreciate old world craftsmanship as I do...I really expected you to appreciate the old world way of conducting yourself in public and business affairs. Do you not appreciate open communnication, courtesy and business ethics? Or is it just the craftmanship itself and nothing else matters??? If I have trouble dealing someone before a deal is completed...I can't imagine the horror story aftert the completion of the sale if something should go awry. I can't believe that you think this is such a strange or foreign way of doing things??? I think you're just splitting hairs. I hope to think we're on the same side.
- Talontsi96
- Posts: 382
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:05 am
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
I'm sorry craftsman or no craftsman, if you want to be respected, you need to show respect to others. If the guy ignores e-mails from customers he is not showing much respect towards them and should not demand to be respected in return. I don't care who it is.
I've been e-mailing MaxZ as well and have to wait for days for him to respond, just to find out that his responses do not answer the questions I asked in the first place. Its frustrating as hell and since then I have looked elswhere for answers and products that I'm interested in.
I've been e-mailing MaxZ as well and have to wait for days for him to respond, just to find out that his responses do not answer the questions I asked in the first place. Its frustrating as hell and since then I have looked elswhere for answers and products that I'm interested in.
- Talontsi96
- Posts: 382
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:05 am
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Good for you..Everyone has their own oppinions in life. I'm actually pretty impressed with Fitco scopes (made in China) and a lot of the Chines air rifles. Have you seen/shot the new QB78 lately? If not perhaps you should, maybe your oppinions will change.cfraser wrote:
There's no way I'd buy any "precision" *mechanicals* (or optics for that matter) made in China, not for years. Even their simple mechanicals are really CRUNCHY now, like you can tell immediately where it comes from. Someday....
Lots of good stuff is made in China but it's just that we're overwhelmed by the amazing amount of garbage...day in and day out and unfortunately it's beconing increasingly difficult to escape from it. I swear that more than half of the products made in China I've purchased...I eventually regret buying... 

Last edited by airgunfun on Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Talontsi96
- Posts: 382
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:05 am
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
That I agree with completely.airgunfun wrote:Lots of good stuff is made in China but it's just that we're overwhelmed by the amazing amount of garbage...day in and day out and unfortunately it's beconing increasingly difficult to escape from it. I swear that more than half of the products made in China...I eventually regret buying...
Rob, we are on the same side just looking at one facet of this hobby a bit different. You see it in business terms and I see it as art. Artists craftsman are not expected to follow the same path that Acklands, Canadian Tire, Walmart, corner gas for that matter.
I agree an update is very much appreciated just not expected in my way of thinking.
Take care,
I agree an update is very much appreciated just not expected in my way of thinking.
Take care,

I'm still waiting on god-damned parts from MaxZbulk to complete my project...I"m beginning to lose patience with this guy!!! I made payment almost 6 weeks ago....
Rob I don't see any shades of gray here.
You air this in public before doing the gentlemanly thing of calling MaxZ first with a phone and talking man to man.
That is what I wish to speak out against and try to explain how I see it.
If you spoke that way regarding a deal we had going I would send you your money back immediately and end of story.
So give guys like MaxZ a break and you wait until they call that it is ready.
Rob I don't see any shades of gray here.
You air this in public before doing the gentlemanly thing of calling MaxZ first with a phone and talking man to man.
That is what I wish to speak out against and try to explain how I see it.
If you spoke that way regarding a deal we had going I would send you your money back immediately and end of story.
So give guys like MaxZ a break and you wait until they call that it is ready.

Walter~Soory, but you're out of line. Statements like "Your rules do not apply to old world craftsmanship" are BS.
I feel I am qualified to speak up on this....I'm about as "old world craftsman" as you get. And it's not just me who says so....let's see...theres Canadian Home Workshop, Fine Woodworking, international artists guild, OCC, Institute of furniture design.....etc.
If you enter into an agreement, wether or not money changes hands, YOU as the supplier have a responsibility to the custome....it is NOT the other way around. YOU publicly offer a service, and are contracted by people who merely wish to purchase the service you have publicly offered, and YOU are therefore then bound by the responsibilities of being a seller.
The "If you don't like it too bad, go somewhere else or shut up about it" mentality is just a poor buttock answer designed to (lamely) re irect the onus of responsible transaction on to the buyer instead of where it belongs...with the seller.
You are a hobbiest, that's fine. It is reflected in your attitude on this matter. But PLEASE do not assume you are even the least bit qualified to put forth opinions on the behald of "crafte=smen". We don't need it, want it, and in fact, would rather not hear it.
I feel I am qualified to speak up on this....I'm about as "old world craftsman" as you get. And it's not just me who says so....let's see...theres Canadian Home Workshop, Fine Woodworking, international artists guild, OCC, Institute of furniture design.....etc.
If you enter into an agreement, wether or not money changes hands, YOU as the supplier have a responsibility to the custome....it is NOT the other way around. YOU publicly offer a service, and are contracted by people who merely wish to purchase the service you have publicly offered, and YOU are therefore then bound by the responsibilities of being a seller.
The "If you don't like it too bad, go somewhere else or shut up about it" mentality is just a poor buttock answer designed to (lamely) re irect the onus of responsible transaction on to the buyer instead of where it belongs...with the seller.
You are a hobbiest, that's fine. It is reflected in your attitude on this matter. But PLEASE do not assume you are even the least bit qualified to put forth opinions on the behald of "crafte=smen". We don't need it, want it, and in fact, would rather not hear it.
- DoctorFrankengun
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- Location: Cochrane, Ontario Canada
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