2289G question

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2289G question

#1 Post by chops »

i'm thinking about puting my 2289G's barrel on a 2240, and i was wondering first of can you even do this, and how do you remove the barrel from 2289. also how much more will the velosity increase, as you can see i'm just getting into mods.Any info would really be apreciated.
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#2 Post by Tailgunner »

Hi chops............yes, the mod's you describe can be done. the FPS gain is dependent upon how good you do the mods. For a whole whack of mod's go to Google and type in "2240 modifications"...........then, follow the directions.............but beware.........this can be addicting :D
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#3 Post by chops »

thanks rennugliat, definatly going to try switching the barrels, and adding new grips.
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#4 Post by chops »

looked it up on google didn't come up with much, i'm just trying to figure out how you remove the barrel(i don't want to wreck my 2289).
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Wrong Way
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#5 Post by Wrong Way »

Remove the tiny screw in the breech, loosen the screw through the rear sight, loosen the screw through the barrel ban. Lift the barrel/breech up off the tube, and look at the bottom. There will be a small "collar" made of metal either sticking out of the bottom of your breach, or sticking out of the top of the tube under the breech. If it's stuck in the bottom of the breech, remove it (it will pretty much fall out) grab the barrel in one hand, the breech in the other hand and slide the barrel forward. Done.

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#6 Post by cfraser »

Go to the Crosman website (crosman.com) and download the EVP manuals. Removing the barrels is very simple, as are these guns, you can do it in a couple of minutes for both. Basically, you undo the barrel bands and a screw in the breech, and the barrels come right off. Be careful of those 0.050" hex head screws.

I'm sort of doing what you are. Putting a 14.5" barrel on a 2240, except I got all the other 2250 parts too (a 2250 is more or less a CO2 2289). The 14.5" 2250 barrel is $12.60, and I imagine the 2289 one is a similar price (I can't tell what the diff between them is).

[Ahh, I see what the barrel diff is, the 2250 barrel has a little dimple for the set screw in its METAL barrel band, which the 2289 barrel doesn't have. They are functionally identical.]
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#7 Post by chops »

thanks, i finally got it of without any problem, only problem now is i want to do more to it, you guys got me hooked on modding those 22xx, once again thanks for the info.
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#8 Post by Tailgunner »

You can also go to the 'MODS and REPAIR' section of this forum........ look right at the top of the list and you will see "2240 Mod sites"......... clicking on that should take you to all kinds of information. :D

HINT#1........if you are going to have the gun apart and back together a bunch of times then the 1st modification should be to cut a slot into the small port screw (the one that has the .050 allen wrench hole). this screw can be very frustrating when that little hole rounds out and there is no slot to use a regular flat blade screwdriver :D )

Have a ball :D - Gus
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