GRT Kit in the 54

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GRT Kit in the 54

#1 Post by Jester »

Today I got the JM GRT kit installed in my Diana 54. It feels and sounds a lot smoother. Also installed a new Apex seal.

For those who are interested;
Before tune-- Baracudas 869fps (17.8ft/lbs) | JSB Exact Heavy 960fps (20.9ft/lbs) (roughly, I lost my data for the JSB's!)
After tune---- Baracudas 761fps (13.6ft/lbs) | JSB Exact Heavy 857.63 (16.7ft/lbs)

Why is there such a difference in energy between the two pellets? Is it because the Baracudas have a tighter fit?

I'm taking it to the range tomorrow to do some paper punching, so I'll update with some accuracy results.
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Wrong Way
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#2 Post by Wrong Way »

So your velocity actually dropped after the tune?

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#3 Post by Jester »

The kit isn't a velocity tune, it is an accuracy tune. It is a minor sacrifice in order to smooth out the gun and make it more accurate (I'll check this tomorrow).
I e-mailed JM that accuracy to me is most important, and he recomended the GRT kit.
For power, JM also has the Monolith kit. This kit has a full power spring, but from what I've been told (by JM, as well as others) it won't provide the other benefits to the same extent as the GRT/GSI kits.
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