New Slav that I tuned.

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New Slav that I tuned.

#1 Post by smurray »

I got my first air rifle on Thursday. A new Slaiva 631 (thanks everyone for so much info on this great beginner's rifle) and I'm VERY pleased. I like it because its simple and well made.

I finally found a place in Toronto that carries at least some airgun accessories and gear. Al Flaherty's Outdoor, on Dufferin. I purchased a basic cleaning kit, a case for my Slav and some Moly.

I came home and following these... ... hlight=631 ... lavia+tune

... I took apart the gun and, using the Moly with a bit of graphite powder lube in with it, I lubed all the main hinges and contact points. I use a bit of gun oil to degrease the entire exterior of the gun as well as cleaning the packing grease out of the barrel. Starting from the breech, I used the brush first and then ran patches though it unitl they ran clean. I was amazed at how much came out and how clean the barrel is now.

I oiled the spring's exterior and tried to widen the spring guide, I oiled that too for a tight, smooth fit. I reset the spring and guide, replaced the trigger and spring and reassembled the gun.

The only problem I am having it that the spring is still snapping with a low "twang!" when I fire. Is it because I am not using 'tar' on the spring or what!? If so, can I use a certain type of grease, from ...say .. Canadian Tire? Like a high pressure grease or something and then just add the graphite powder to it and use that? And how much would I put on? light, med or heavy?

If anyone has any advice I'm all ears!


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#2 Post by 350mag1 »

smurry, I've used a open gear lube spray called "Gear Guard. It's made by the "Jet-lube" company. It has moly and graphite already in it but I'm not aware what percentages are used. It sprays on easily and sets up very tacky. If you use it, wear gloves! Very nasty stuff to get off :D
Jet-lube Inc
Houston Texas
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#3 Post by smurray »

350mag1 wrote: It sprays on easily and sets up very tacky. If you use it, wear gloves!
If it were "tacky" wouldn't that slow things down? Do you mean that I need to make it really greasy? Like a gear box or something? Does that keep the spring from vibrating and silence it (as well as the obvious lubricating)? Or is it still the spring guide that could be causing the "twang!"??

Thanks for the info on the spray lube btw!
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#4 Post by bionic »

yes the twang is because you didnt "tar" the spring. I just used white lithium grease from Chineese Tire. I put a healthy coating on the inside and outside of the spring, so that it stretches from one coil to the next. then I basically filled the gap between the spring and guid with grease. allong with four half inch fiber washers on the spring guide. now there is zero twang. :D
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#5 Post by smurray »

Great I am heading there right now to get some! Thanks for the tip!

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#6 Post by 350mag1 »

Becareful with using normal grease. Lithium grease will not hold onto the spring. Lubricating is one thing but having the grease go all over the internals will not help and can actually cause damage. Little by little, the grease will work its way in front of the seal making the gun diesel-this is not a good thing. If you're using this type a of grease, don't use much....a little on the guide and the spring ends is all. Go to Jim Maccari's website and read through it, there's lots of info.
Now, about slowing the gun down by using the tar.... there is a point where to much on the spring will slow the gun down. I usually insert a rag in the spring before I apply the tar. After the application, I let the tar setup before taking the rag out. Then, I put a small amount of moly on the guide before I install the spring and she's good to go! There's nothing compared to a machined, fitted guide but if you using what you have, taking the majority of the twang out is possible. Search the tuner's pages. There alot of info and will be a huge help when doing home tunes to your gun.
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#7 Post by bionic »

you really don't have to worrie too much about dieseling with the 631. it's such a low power gun (compared to the magnums) that it wont diesel at all out of the box. thats why the owners manual says to lube the seal with gun oil. I now see a thin hair of smoke after adding washers and moly/graphite/silicon lube. also from what I've read the moly is supposed to diesel a small amount and provide a controlled slow burning + lifting diesel that will boost power by 30% rather than the concusive diesel that say gasoline makes and ruins seals.
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#8 Post by smurray »

Thanks for all the tips and info. I applied a little bit of White grease mixed with Graphite to the back end of the spring and the Spring guide. Voila! No more noise and it seems to have a cleaner more direct motion when fired. It has 'purpose' now. I am definitely trying to keep as much of that grease away from the piston seal and everything else towards the breech. I am also not putting any washers or larger springs in it, so it'll stay a low powered gun. I wanted to start out right with my first rifle , y'know lubed, silent and working properly so it will hopefully last for years.

Time to put a few hundred pellets through it !!!! Thanks again for all the input!!! I will be back for sure this is a GREAT forum.

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