So I pulled it out yesterday when I noticed it while looking for something else entirely. Shaking my head at my quick fix assembly from last year, I decided to attempt to restore this old wrecked rifle. I am not sure it will ever be worth the effort, but I was looking for a project. I spent an hour sanding the packing tape goo off of the reciever, barrel, and stock. I then spent 20 minutes sanding the stock, which I will be restaining and varnishing later. Lacking the origional iron sights, I slapped a crappy scope on it that I happened to have kicking about. The stupid thing shoots straight, not hard, but straight. Heres a picture of it.

I'll post updates as I proceed. Tips on trying to restore some of the power are welcome, as well as sources for parts I may need. I fear I may have damaged the main pivot threads beyond repair when I fabircated a rough pin that I then hammer into place last year, so thats something I am probably going to have to tackle.