Project 618

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Project 618

#1 Post by Ace12GA »

Last year in August a friend of mine gave a bag with a punch of parts in it, all covered in packing tape. After about 20 minutes of mucking about I discovered a Slavia 618 in there, sure it was in pieces, missing parts, and covered in packing tape residue. It was missing the hardware to attach the barrel, the barrel seal, the trigger guard, the list goes on. I took some parts I had kicking around from some old printers. When I was done, I had the barrel attached, but no seal. So I made one with my dremel and a rubber transfer roller, lets just say it looks rough, but worked. Well, the damn thing worked. It shot at about 350fps if I had to guess, but it shot. At that point, still covered in packing tape goo, I stuffed in the rafters of the workshop and forgot about it.

So I pulled it out yesterday when I noticed it while looking for something else entirely. Shaking my head at my quick fix assembly from last year, I decided to attempt to restore this old wrecked rifle. I am not sure it will ever be worth the effort, but I was looking for a project. I spent an hour sanding the packing tape goo off of the reciever, barrel, and stock. I then spent 20 minutes sanding the stock, which I will be restaining and varnishing later. Lacking the origional iron sights, I slapped a crappy scope on it that I happened to have kicking about. The stupid thing shoots straight, not hard, but straight. Heres a picture of it.


I'll post updates as I proceed. Tips on trying to restore some of the power are welcome, as well as sources for parts I may need. I fear I may have damaged the main pivot threads beyond repair when I fabircated a rough pin that I then hammer into place last year, so thats something I am probably going to have to tackle.
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#2 Post by RM422 »

Sounds like you have a pretty big project. I love restoring old Slavia air rifles. Old and retired slavias can be found almost at any gunshow. So you could always salvage good parts from one of them to put in your 618. The 618 is very similar to the 624 and I bet the 624 parts would fit the 618 incase you can't find a used 618. Did you soak the leather piston seal in oil over night? That makes a world of difference in power. also putting a few washers on the piston shaft and stretching the spring can also be done to increase power if a new spring can not be aquired. I have done these mods to a few old slavia 624's with great power increase.
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#3 Post by Ace12GA »

So far I stripped it right down to parts, cleaned it all inside and out. Polished the piston, the spring ends, and lubed it back up with some high quality oil. What sort of oil should I soak the leather piston head in?

The oil I generally use is a high quality parafin based beering/turbine oil. Its easy on seals, and not petroleum based. I've been using it for years on my airguns with no ill effect.
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#4 Post by webstien »

you can find an o-ring to stuff in the breech as a seal, works pretty good.
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#5 Post by RM422 »

You cans use the turbine oil to soak the piston seal. It will work fine.
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