new 2289 and old 2250 (new scope)

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new 2289 and old 2250 (new scope)

#1 Post by razpizdiay »

hey guys!

some of you hopefully know of my old plan to make a backpacker into a .177 24" pumper? well i got tired of waiting for my friend attempting to sell me his backpacker (was waiting for 3 weeks now !!! and i go camping this weekend) so i couldnt wait no more - went to lebaron and got myself a new 2289 !!! 99.94+tax (-7% discount from membership).

wow, i had one of these before, but i forgot how cool it is !!! it is actually small, and extremely light. i love it.

you wont see my steel breech on it for a while - i dont have another 2-piece bolt.

by the way, anyone have a good way of getting a .177 bolt separated? i have the one piece - D&L did not have the 2 piece .177 bolts. So i will have to drill it and then connect them again - any ideas about connecting? i dont want to glue it together since i will most likely take it out later and i do not think that threading / tapping them will work cause they are same size :-(

if anyone want, here are some pictures, i also got time to mount a reddot on it. (you can also see my modded 2250 with a new scope and scope covers)


since i am going camping this weekend with a friend, i figured i have to buy some ammo - you think its enough? (the ammo at top of the case is .22 and the boxes on bottom are .177)


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#2 Post by sniper »

Nice you're all set.

Here's some tip on installing .177 bolt. The problem would be installing it with CR Breech, you might have to drill the breech from the other side to have access to screw in the bolt to the handle OR use JB Weld to put the handle back to the bolt but got to be careful since JB Weld will bond any type of metal for good.

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#3 Post by razpizdiay »

thanks sniper,

so what you did is put a screw from the other side of the bolt? like the bolt handle goes in from the right and then you have a screw screwing into it from the left side of the bolt? i have a crosman steel breech, and i dont really want to drill it.

you think that i can just tap the actual bolt after removing the handle and maybe fabricate another handle with threads that will screw into the bolt like the .22 2-piece bolt?

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#4 Post by sniper »

Hi Razpizdiay,

yup, that might work by tapping and you can use loctite to secure it and still be able to take it out when ever you want.

Another method that I was thinking is like the QB style of bolt & handle, drill from the back of the bolt all the way to the hole for the bolt handle and tap it to use with set screw from the back to hold the bolt handle.
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#5 Post by razpizdiay »

the set screw from the back sounds like a great idea !!

although one would need a lathe to dril that... or have "golden hands" and use an ordinary dril
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#6 Post by sniper »

razpizdiay wrote:the set screw from the back sounds like a great idea !!

although one would need a lathe to dril that... or have "golden hands" and use an ordinary dril
Do it slowly with a drill press, that should work and perhaps an 90 degree angle or a level to keep it straight up perpendicular.
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#7 Post by Armadillo »

Holy crap, It's some airgunnutz :lol:
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