some of you hopefully know of my old plan to make a backpacker into a .177 24" pumper? well i got tired of waiting for my friend attempting to sell me his backpacker (was waiting for 3 weeks now !!! and i go camping this weekend) so i couldnt wait no more - went to lebaron and got myself a new 2289 !!! 99.94+tax (-7% discount from membership).
wow, i had one of these before, but i forgot how cool it is !!! it is actually small, and extremely light. i love it.
you wont see my steel breech on it for a while - i dont have another 2-piece bolt.
by the way, anyone have a good way of getting a .177 bolt separated? i have the one piece - D&L did not have the 2 piece .177 bolts. So i will have to drill it and then connect them again - any ideas about connecting? i dont want to glue it together since i will most likely take it out later and i do not think that threading / tapping them will work cause they are same size

if anyone want, here are some pictures, i also got time to mount a reddot on it. (you can also see my modded 2250 with a new scope and scope covers)

since i am going camping this weekend with a friend, i figured i have to buy some ammo - you think its enough? (the ammo at top of the case is .22 and the boxes on bottom are .177)
