Time-Bandit wrote:Well, sorry to re-vive this thread, but 5 1/2 years later and I found the perfect shooting place. My basement! (I didn't have one at the time) I have bout 30 feet line of sight to shoot. Built a small shooting box out of an old electrical (very sturdy) box and am looking at some padding info. But yeah. Besides my basement, anyone end up finding good areas in Montreal?
Please let me know if you find out about about something, I'm dying over here for a new spot to shoot...
v76 wrote:Of course. I'm in the east end... there's a big vague field just before the refineries, along the 40... it's a bit more trouble now that they built a soccer field but you can just go farther. Also, near the Pointe-Aux-Trembles golf field, there's a large swamp-like area where you can shoot.
There was also a big railway path near the quarry on Sherbrooke, near the CLSC I think.
moltogordo wrote:Another alternative is to buy a quiet airgun (Weihrauch HW40, for example), and put a piece of felt or some other material at the back of your trap.
A guy can always use another gun!
I'd most certainly shoot my HW40 in an apartment, and buff any bit of noise that exists with some quiet recording of say, Mozart or Bach.
Yes, that is an option. I have a 2240 and find it quite loud. Not a problem when outdoors, but indoors, it's much too loud. So you're saying that the HW40 is quieter than most guns you've tried? I'll have to look into it. I have no idea where I could try one in Montreal...
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