If you don,t mind shopping stateside you can get all the 600,s you want but your looking at 150-400 u.s and you can get one any day of the week. me i,m cheap the most i ever payed for a 600 was 100 canuk and i,ve got the other 4 i,ve bought for less.
Hey, I'm sorry if this should be a new thread, sorry if it is and please move it...
but speaking of shopping in the states...
I travel there alot... would it be possible for me to bring airgun(s) back legally? Is it just a matter of paperwork or does this involve importation etc...
Just wondering... I could start picking up guns there all the time
I wonder what the speed was on those things,probably 400 fps,right?
Are the clips round(revolver) or they have a stack clip?
I used to wonder (just musing,nothing serious) how hard would it be to start airgun company in canada.Just a small workshop or something.
*snap back to reality*
you can bring any under 500 fps airgun back from the u.s. and you can bring back the good ones if you have a pal. alot of 600,s are lucky if they shoot 300 fps stock... they run a stacked clip...