The Gun of My Dreams

This is the place to talk about everything airgun related including air rifles, air pistols, pellet guns, pcp airguns and more.
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The Gun of My Dreams

#1 Post by Mantis »

As many of you know from my posts, I have a very large collection of 60 air pistols and 4 air rifles. One question that I am often asked is which is my favorite. Based on a number of factors including accuracy, power, reliability and nostalgia my hands down favorite today was the gun of my dreams when I was around 12 or 13. Back, my friend and I used to go to the local Canadian Tire and drool over the selection of airguns. Being too young to buy one and with neither of us with an older brother or a parent willing to buy one for us, all we could do was dream. This was the 1980s and revolvers ruled supreme. In particular, the coolest bad guys as well as the coolest good guys in the movies and TV all carried .357 Magnum Colt Pythons and so it was the Crosman .357 the drooled over and dreamed of owning. As soon as I was old enough, I bought my first one - the all metal 8" version at the top of that photo below. It came as a kit with a 4" barrel as well. Later, I added the purely 4" version at the bottom and more recently I added the 6" version in the middle (compliments of MrMarvin) which also included a smooth bore BB barrel. I also own a silver coloured 8" and a modern style 6" version. All three of these guns shoot perfectly and hold gas no problem. I have put thousands of pellets through the first one and hundreds through the rest. The classic styling of the original design is much nicer than the modern style version and the fit and finish is 1000x better.

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Re: The Gun of My Dreams

#2 Post by Edmonton<500 »

Beauties: They sure don't build 'em like they used to.

I wonder if Paddyfritz's flush screw replacement will work on those guns.
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Re: The Gun of My Dreams

#3 Post by Castle02 »

I was in the same boat as you when I was younger. My parents didn't like us owning guns, let alone a pellet gun. I bought my first pellet gun, which was also the brown grip 357 when I got my first job. I didn't really get a chance to shoot it much, because I couldn't shoot it in the house with my parents home, but I didn't care. I had the pistol, and that was all I cared about. I don't think I have shot more than 200 rounds through it. I still have the pistol today along with newer versions, bought within the last few years.

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Re: The Gun of My Dreams

#4 Post by DocGadget »

I have the grey 8 inch one too. I also bought later in life the 4 inch/6inch combo. While not my favorites I still like them a lot.

So 60 gun is a very large collection... I tought it was just regular stuff (anyway that's what I've been telling my wife... please don't tell her otherwise, shhhh)
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You can’t buy a single airgun for everything. Golfers use many different clubs, airgunners need more than one gun
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