HW45 - scoped

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HW45 - scoped

#1 Post by DDtank »

I finally succumbed to RC's inspiration and invested in a pistol scope for my HW45. I decided to get the OEM Weihrauch scope all the way from Germany but was a bit disappointed to find the actual "M" was in fact about 8,000 km from there ("Made in China"...). Not too much of a surprise I suppose but it seems pretty good, the mounts fit the odd HW rail just fine and it didn't take much zeroing.
After a few practice groups, I tried a "proper" target, 20 shots at about 10 yards. Okay, so it started off as 10 shots but then I decided to go with the idea that if you shoot enough you will end up with a one hole group... :wink: 4 annoying flyers but otherwise, that is what I got.
Interestingly, rested on a sandbag it pulled about 3" high (I was otherwise seated low down with two handed grip, elbows resting on knees).
I feel I may lighten the trigger as I have done with rifles once I put scopes on them and looking forward to further practice at different ranges as this is obviously going to be much better than the open sights to learn the ranges properly (I hate to say, as I prefer to stick with open sights on pistols if at all possible).
170323 - HW45 scoped.jpg
170323 - HW45 scoped 10m 20 shots.jpg
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Re: HW45 - scoped

#2 Post by RC1947 »

Looks good, and that's some nice shooting - congrats! RC
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Re: HW45 - scoped

#3 Post by DDtank »

Thanks, looks like money well spent...but it did leave me wondering if I should have picked up one of these while I was at it from the same place I got the scope:
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Re: HW45 - scoped

#4 Post by offroad720 »

http://www.sportwaffen-schneider.de/ ?
That's where I found my stock and it's something else. I wasn't sure how it would be, but once I got it sighted and figured out, I cannot put it down nor take it off. It's very smooth to cock as the stock can just wedge under your shoulder for added leverage support and with the short stroke, compared to cocking a rifle, its great for plinking sessions. I can sit and shoot for hours if I had the time.
I've just found dark grips that match, but don't have a pic
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Re: HW45 - scoped

#5 Post by DDtank »

Yep, that's where I got the scope.
Glad to hear it worked out, so how does it go on? Are there attachments that go under the grips? Looks like you too have the Pearce grip already under them too and not a problem?
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Re: HW45 - scoped

#6 Post by offroad720 »

I have the opposite side photo, but cant upload atm - can post when I get near wifi

Plate runs from the wood stock to the pistol handle and mounts under the right side. In this case, over the finger grooves, under the wood grip. It comes with (2) longer screws that replace the grip screws for that side.
The screws just needed to be retightened after some use because of the Pearce grips extra play given by the rubber, but once retightened a couple times, it seems to have set itself in nicely, even since I've just put new grips on in the last couple weeks.

As I said, I do not want to take it off and I do not want to put it down.. I have been getting some satisfying groups
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