Muzzle Brake on QB

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Muzzle Brake on QB

#1 Post by bobv »

Tomorrow I'm picking up a piece of aluminium rod 1" x 6" long, to make a MB for my QB and would like any opinions anyone might have.I have a couple of reasons for installing it, one I think it would look great , two I would like to install a globe front sight on it and three I would like to cut down some of the noise ,if possible.I have 3 models in mind .
1) turn the rod down to 3/4" exterior, bore a hole the size of the barrel to about 1/4" from the end and bore an exit hole about .250" slightly larger then the .22 pellets. This would give the MB a chamber before the exit.
2) same dimensions with same exit hole but holes drilled through the sides of the chamber so the Co2 can escape.
3) same dimensions but bored the size of the barrel clear through ,no restrictions on exit.
I imagine someone must have tried these set ups before , I would appreciate any feed back before starting.
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#2 Post by sniper »

The one that I currently use is from Beeman and it's like your #1 setup.

I personally like the setup #3 with some holes drilled through the sides. I have this setup on my 2250/24, I can adjust where to set the MZ in place. Also it gives a nice look from the front with big exit hole.
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#3 Post by jezX »

the best thing i have found is ,have the barrel size drilled all the way to the end ,but leave about 1/2'' for a .23'' hole for the pellet to pass through . if you can bore the middle out to 7/8'' and leave a { shape with a hole for the pellet =={____{} lol. this is what it should look like .
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