Looking for a Decent price on a 1377 Steel Breach in canada

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Looking for a Decent price on a 1377 Steel Breach in canada

#1 Post by Ausername »

Hey, so I've been working on a upgraded 1377, and i am looking for a steel breech to mount optics closer to the stock, and also I've been told that it improves accuracy a little.
Anyway, I've been looking around for one, and the cheapest i could find is around $60 shipped to a US address. I was wondering if anybody has got a better price for one that can be shipped within Canada? get back to me if you got one.
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Re: Looking for a Decent price on a 1377 Steel Breach in can

#2 Post by wesb2007 »

Canadashootingsupply.ca, page 4 of custom airgun parts, 54.99 with $15 shipping at least to my address, may be cheaper to you.

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Re: Looking for a Decent price on a 1377 Steel Breach in can

#3 Post by wesb2007 »

store.onlinecamp.com, type into search 1377SBPK, should be $49.86 plus $16 or so shipping

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Re: Looking for a Decent price on a 1377 Steel Breach in can

#4 Post by wesb2007 »

If you have your pal and want to shoot over 500fps, you can buy the 760 tube from that same website for like $14. Because it is a airbrifle tube, your gun will no longer be considered rpal by the RCMP if the overall length is more than 26", and you have a barrel that has not been cut down. You will have to cut the sear slot a little longer to match your 1377 tube, and if you are using the stock end cap then you'll have to cut an inch or so off the back of the tube. Be careful to line all the holes up with your 1377 tube. You'll also have to drill a hole in the bottom of the tube for the front trigger assembly screw which also secures the valve. Sounds harder than it is!
Here is a picture of mine. I ended up sanding the bluing off because it was so poorly done. When I mentioned it to them they offered me a new one but I'd already modder this one, so declined. They said no one else had ever reported trouble with the bluing so I must have gotten unlucky. [emoji17] [emoji4].

Anyway, probably a bunch of info you aren't interested in, but just in case you want to shoot fast and be legal, thought I'd mention it. Good luck and happy modding! Image

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