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New toy !!!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 3:31 pm
by zazu45
Hi guys.
Got myself a "Palco Blackwater 1911 r2 blowback bb pistol from replica airguns.
Also got an extra mag to go with it.
Did not get much time to shoot it yet (2clips) because of work and bad weather.
I did manage to keep all my shots in about 4 inches at 15 yards.
The piece is beautifully and a joy to shoot, looking forward at more range time.
Being a co2 makes it a bit too loud for backyard practice.
Would appreciate feedback from others.


PS: Already found a way to mod the mags for much easier loading of the bb's and made a speed loader.

Re: New toy !!!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:43 pm
by silentman
You will see, once you get controll of it, you will make nice grouping ( for a BB gun) not competition like but nice one's... I love shooting mine feel's so great.... 8)

These are the 2 thing's I'm using to speed up loading, pencil speed loader (18 bb's) and a gismo to keep the follower down while loading... 8)

Re: New toy !!!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:39 pm
by zazu45
The way I did mine, was to drill a 7/32 hole about half way between where the mag would hold 15 bb's and the notch where the follower latches open at the bottom.
It is a bit tricky but if you take your time it is OK.
However, it does limit mag capacity to 15 shots.
I do not mind as I find 15 shots more realistic.
Second, I cut a ball pen to the exact length for 15 shots which I use as a scoop for my pellets.
Then with the follower latched down just pour the bb's in.
If you wish to unload, just latch the follower down and pour the pellets in the palm of your hand.
Keep the ball pen cap as you can carry an extra 15 shots in your pocket ready to go.

Re: New toy !!!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:45 pm
by wllm995
zazu45 wrote:Hi guys.
Got myself a "Palco Blackwater 1911 r2 blowback bb pistol from replica airguns.


Re: New toy !!!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:57 pm
by zazu45
Hope you can see.