Beeman P17 Bolt Type Action Mod

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Beeman P17 Bolt Type Action Mod

#1 Post by slideextender »

Just completed an interesting new mod on my Beeman P17. No more air leaks!

Wanted to share, here are the links:

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Re: Beeman P17 Bolt Type Action Mod

#2 Post by jgoodz420 »

Nice!!! Thats cool... :drinkers:
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Re: Beeman P17 Bolt Type Action Mod

#3 Post by Chevota »

I like your work, looks very professional. Was the oem setup not sealing? On mine I took it apart first thing and started tampering with everything and when I reinstalled the barrel I made it fairly tight on the O-ring. It's sealed now but I did NOT check to see if it leaked before I did that. Now if you did it just because you can and wanted to then I totally get it :)
I assume you sell these custom parts since I saw several of them in the vid. If so I have some thoughts from a buyers perspective: What about something like your pump extender that isn't actually extended? Basically a comfortable rectangle for your hand but in front of, and maybe partially behind the sight, and with a wider flat area on top but not as wide overall. This way you get the comfort without being obtrusive b/c while I like it, I'd never buy it due to the added length. Like as an option; Pump Pad 2.0?
I'm sure you're aware of the piston length issue and that people want one that's adjustable. I added .020" of plastic to my piston face but needs vary and I'd assume people would be interested in a sweet adj one vs having to rig it like I did. Or maybe just a simple pack of alum discs in a few various thicknesses so people can fit and glue it themselves?
Here's one I'd pay for, assuming the $ isn't to far out there: A better quality barrel!!! I'm thinking Lothar Walther... Considering the $ the oem gun and barrel are great, but I'd love a better one. I don't know how much better the HW40 barrel is, or what it costs, but I also want it longer so it's flush with the front to net that free length. Ideally a flush one that's threaded, maybe including a threaded cap for when the suppressor is not attached. Considering the power I'm not sure a choke would work out, but even a Lothar w/o a choke would be awesome! I'll take mine in polygon rifling please :)
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