Hatsan AT44S-10 .25 accuracy

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Hatsan AT44S-10 .25 accuracy

#1 Post by artworks1962 »

I've just bought a Hatsan At44-10 .25 caliber for ground squirrel pesting. My goal is to be accurate from 75-100 yds. The gun is stock from the factory, no tuning of any kind yet. I don't have a chrono so I don't know any velocities but I'm noticing that at 50 yds and farther I only get about 3 or 4 consistent shots (hits start low, then level out after 5 shots, then start creeping upwards). I've also noticed that the deviation is less with heavier pellets like the JSB King Heavy 34g. I don't care about shot count, just accuracy, so I think I have 2 options:

1) Play with the power settings to try to flatten the curve or:
2) Bite the bullet and buy a regulator. If that's my only option, any recommendations on which brand is best? (alteros, Hatsan, Huma, etc)

Any advice on flattening the shot curve would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Hatsan AT44S-10 .25 accuracy

#2 Post by EdLena »

A well tuned but unregulated pcp will start with lower velocities, come up to a peak and gradually decrease from there as you are experiencing.
The simplest solution is to not fill your gun to the recommended 200 bar to start and to not shoot as many shots per fill. Without a crony you could refine the pressure range you want to shoot at by reading the manometer as you shoot a string and record the pressures it's the most consistent at. You may find that filling to 180 bar and shooting down to maybe 120 bar will give you say 20 relatively consistent shot velocities and so a flatter trajectory.
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