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#1 Post by Normk »

What does a General Arts Grad say in their first job?

Will you have fries with that, Sir?
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Re: Arts?

#2 Post by Daryl »

Same for 'Woman's Studies" grads.
I knew a young fellow, a Canadian who as a youngster thought it would be cool to join the Foreign Legion. He did this and became an "explosives" engineer.
After his 4 or 5? years was up, he came home to PG and went to UNBC and took "Woman's Studies" as he figured it would be the easiest to pass and he might
"hook up" more easily. LOL
The 'girls' in his class used to borrow his motorcycling chaps. :lol: He came to the conclusion hookups were not going to "happen" with his class "mates"
as none of them were "bi-". :lol:
Best Wishes
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