Diana 24 T05

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Diana 24 T05

#1 Post by RM422 »

I have both a .177 and .22 cal Diana 24. The Diana 24 in either caliber is a must have. The D24 is a very accurate smooth shooting rifle. I can sit and plink cans out to 30-40 yards all day using the iron sights. I have a scope on my .177 Diana 24 and I just love it. I haven't done anything to my .22 cal D24 other than putting an FP spring in it to bring it up to 495fps. Another good thing about these rifles is that they will last you a liftetime. You can put thousands of rounds through them without being worried that any internal parts will get wrecked (ie. piston seal). I have had both of my Diana 24 rifles apart just for the heck of it to see how they are designed. The design is very good. I have to say the best design I have seen in springers. What I mean by this is they are made somewhat simple inside but the parts will hold up to anything. The D24 is a very easy gun to take apart so if anything ever did happen to break then there would be no worries when fixing it. All in all the D24 is a great rifle for any airgunner young or old.
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#2 Post by foghat »

Appreciate the post. I am in the market for a springer. Was initially thinking of getting my PAL and some sort of high powered gun (diana 34 or HW 50 or something).

Now, I am thinking, for what I will be using it for (plinking while out camping and such), that a non-pal gun is probably the way to go.

Been thinking about the Diana 24 and the HW30. Seems most here prefer the HW30. But I am a lefty and it is proving hard to find a left hand stock on the HW30. I do like the idea of the ambidextrous stock on the 24 so that my friends can shoot it as well.

Do you know if the .177 D24 is detuned to meet non-pal?
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Diana 24

#3 Post by Harley909 »

Not trying to cut in on this thread, but I would suggest that you go to D & L's website. there is lots of info on airguns particularly these Diana's.
And yes it does come in Non-Pal.
See the link below.

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#4 Post by foghat »

Thanks, I've been to that site. If I were to read the specs on the 24 it looks like the .177 version does not need to be detuned for non-pal as it is 495fps.

However, I've read elsewhere that the D24 will do more than 495, guess I am trying to figure out if the D24 comes detuned or if it meets non-pal right out of the box.
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#5 Post by Keyrigger »

The .177 cal Diana 24 is tested by the factory with the 10.6 grain Baracuda pellet, and it is with that pellet that it meets the specs of being under 500 fps. Now, if you happen to shoot it with a lighter 7.9 grain pellet..........
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#6 Post by foghat »

Got it. Cool. Thanks.
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Diana 24, 34 or 36?

#7 Post by OntarioGunner »

Great post, it raises a question I have~I've been looking at getting ONE more airgun, and want it to be a nice "springer." For the last few years, i've been considering the Diana 34, maybe the 36 if money allows. (right now, there is no money...so i'm looking at both! lol ) 99% of the guns life will be spent plinking, maybe a little caual target shooting if I find a scope I like. Soooo, the question is this; (and I hope some 34/36 owner chime in on this) Are the more powerful 34/36 guns still fun to shoot for an afternoon? I've used some big Weirauch springers in the past that seemed to have more recoil than a .22, and cocking effort made you want to give up after a dozen shots or so. The 34s/36s shoot in the 1000 fps range~more power than I need, but fine if I don't wear my arm out after 30 shots!

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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